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Organizing the Drink Order

As a Service Bartender, you are a sales builder and a teacher. A teacher in the Service Bar must be a positive team player and constructive with feedback. Through patient guidance, a superior Service Bartender can increase waiters knowledge regarding liquor, beer, wine, pricing, presentation and salesmanship techniques.

The Service Bartender is responsible for:

  • Preparing drinks quickly as ordered.
  • Coordinating drink chits or tickets with corresponding orders.
  • Ringing drinks correctly.
  • Adding toppings from the soda gun.
  • Garnishing drinks
  • Ensuring quick delivery of drinks within 3 minutes of placing the order.

Organizing the Drink Order

Drinks are prepared in a specific order to maximize your efficiency.

Working drinks (drinks that can be started without a glass, i.e. a mixer drink) are prepared first:

  1. Ice Cream and Cappuccino Drinks
  2. Frozen Drinks
  3. Mixed Drinks
  4. Up Drinks
  5. Bottled Beer, Wine and Water

Non-working drinks are prepared next: 6. Juice, Highballs, Goblet and Rock Drinks 7. Wine by the glass 8. Coffee and hot Drinks 9. Draft Beer

Hard Liquors are prepared in order from dark to light in color:

  1. Bourbon
  2. Scotch
  3. Gin
  4. Vodka
  5. Rum
  6. Tequila

Setting up Glassware

Place the glassware for your convenience:

  • Two drinks with the same liquor are set up with rims touching, back to back, so that liquor can be poured in one motion.
  • Glassware for working drinks is placed close to the area where the drink is poured.