first commit with decap cms and git integration

This commit is contained in:
Amritanshu Agrawal 2024-05-24 12:07:00 +00:00
commit 241513ed8e
14 changed files with 417 additions and 0 deletions

.gitmodules vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
[submodule "themes/blowfish"]
path = themes/blowfish
url =
branch = main

archetypes/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
title = '{{ replace .File.ContentBaseName "-" " " | title }}'
date = {{ .Date }}
draft = true

config/_default/hugo.toml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
# -- Site Configuration --
# Refer to the theme docs for more details about each of these parameters.
theme = "blowfish" # UNCOMMENT THIS LINE
# baseURL = ""
defaultContentLanguage = "en"
# pluralizeListTitles = "true" # hugo function useful for non-english languages, find out more in
enableRobotsTXT = true
paginate = 10
summaryLength = 0
buildDrafts = false
buildFuture = false
# googleAnalytics = "G-XXXXXXXXX"
anchor = 'Center'
tag = "tags"
category = "categories"
author = "authors"
series = "series"
changefreq = 'daily'
filename = 'sitemap.xml'
priority = 0.5
home = ["HTML", "RSS", "JSON"]
threshold = 0
toLower = false
name = "tags"
weight = 100
name = "categories"
weight = 100
name = "series"
weight = 50
name = "authors"
weight = 20
name = "date"
weight = 10
applyFilter = false
name = 'fragmentrefs'
type = 'fragments'
weight = 10

View File

@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
languageCode = "en"
languageName = "English"
weight = 1
title = "Blowfish"
displayName = "EN"
isoCode = "en"
rtl = false
dateFormat = "2 January 2006"
# logo = "img/logo.png"
# secondaryLogo = "img/secondary-logo.png"
# description = "My awesome website"
# copyright = "Copy, _right?_ :thinking_face:"
# [author]
# name = "Your name here"
# image = "img/blowfish_logo.png"
# headline = "I'm only human"
# bio = "A little bit about you"
# links = [
# { email = "" },
# { link = "" },
# { amazon = "" },
# { apple = "" },
# { blogger = "" },
# { bluesky = "" },
# { codepen = "" },
# { dev = "" },
# { discord = "" },
# { dribbble = "" },
# { facebook = "" },
# { flickr = "" },
# { foursquare = "" },
# { github = "" },
# { gitlab = "" },
# { google = "" },
# { hashnode = "" },
# { instagram = "" },
# { itch-io = "" },
# { keybase = "" },
# { kickstarter = "" },
# { lastfm = "" },
# { linkedin = "" },
# { mastodon = "https://mastodon.instance/@username" },
# { medium = "" },
# { microsoft = "" },
# { orcid = "" },
# { patreon = "" },
# { pinterest = "" },
# { reddit = "" },
# { researchgate = "" },
# { slack = "https://workspace.url/team/userid" },
# { snapchat = "" },
# { soundcloud = "" },
# { stack-overflow = "" },
# { steam = "" },
# { telegram = "" },
# { threads = "" },
# { tiktok = "" },
# { tumblr = "" },
# { twitch = "" },
# { twitter = "" },
# { x-twitter = "" },
# { whatsapp = "" },
# { youtube = "" },
# { ko-fi = "" },
# ]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
# -- Markup --
# These settings are required for the theme to function.
unsafe = true
noClasses = false
startLevel = 2
endLevel = 4

View File

@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
# -- Main Menu --
# The main menu is displayed in the header at the top of the page.
# Acceptable parameters are name, pageRef, page, url, title, weight.
# The simplest menu configuration is to provide:
# name = The name to be displayed for this menu link
# pageRef = The identifier of the page or section to link to
# By default the menu is ordered alphabetically. This can be
# overridden by providing a weight value. The menu will then be
# ordered by weight from lowest to highest.
# name = "Blog"
# pageRef = "posts"
# weight = 10
# name = "Parent"
# weight = 20
# name = "example sub-menu 1"
# parent = "Parent"
# pageRef = "posts"
# weight = 20
# name = "example sub-menu 2"
# parent = "Parent"
# pageRef = "posts"
# weight = 20
# name = "An interesting topic"
# pageRef = "tags/interesting-topic"
# weight = 10
# name = "My Awesome Category"
# pre = "github"
# pageRef = "categories/awesome"
# weight = 20
# name = "Categories"
# pageRef = "categories"
# weight = 20
# name = "Tags"
# pageRef = "tags"
# weight = 30
# -- Footer Menu --
# The footer menu is displayed at the bottom of the page, just before
# the copyright notice. Configure as per the main menu above.
# [[footer]]
# name = "Tags"
# pageRef = "tags"
# weight = 10
# [[footer]]
# name = "Categories"
# pageRef = "categories"
# weight = 20

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
extended = false
min = "0.87.0"

config/_default/params.toml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
# -- Theme Options --
# These options control how the theme functions and allow you to
# customise the display of your website.
# Refer to the theme docs for more details about each of these parameters.
colorScheme = "blowfish"
defaultAppearance = "light" # valid options: light or dark
autoSwitchAppearance = true
enableSearch = true
enableCodeCopy = false
# mainSections = ["section1", "section2"]
# robots = ""
disableImageOptimization = false
disableTextInHeader = false
# defaultBackgroundImage = "IMAGE.jpg" # used as default for background images
# defaultFeaturedImage = "IMAGE.jpg" # used as default for featured images in all articles
# highlightCurrentMenuArea = true
# smartTOC = true
# smartTOCHideUnfocusedChildren = true
layout = "basic" # valid options: basic, fixed, fixed-fill, fixed-gradient, fixed-fill-blur
showMenu = true
showCopyright = true
showThemeAttribution = true
showAppearanceSwitcher = true
showScrollToTop = true
layout = "profile" # valid options: page, profile, hero, card, background, custom
#homepageImage = "IMAGE.jpg" # used in: hero, and card
showRecent = false
showRecentItems = 5
showMoreLink = false
showMoreLinkDest = "/posts"
cardView = false
cardViewScreenWidth = false
layoutBackgroundBlur = false # only used when layout equals background
showDate = true
showViews = false
showLikes = false
showDateOnlyInArticle = false
showDateUpdated = false
showAuthor = true
# showAuthorBottom = false
showHero = false
# heroStyle = "basic" # valid options: basic, big, background, thumbAndBackground
layoutBackgroundBlur = true # only used when heroStyle equals background or thumbAndBackground
layoutBackgroundHeaderSpace = true # only used when heroStyle equals background
showBreadcrumbs = false
showDraftLabel = true
showEdit = false
# editURL = ""
editAppendPath = true
seriesOpened = false
showHeadingAnchors = true
showPagination = true
invertPagination = false
showReadingTime = true
showTableOfContents = false
# showRelatedContent = false
# relatedContentLimit = 3
showTaxonomies = false
showAuthorsBadges = false
showWordCount = true
# sharingLinks = [ "linkedin", "twitter", "reddit", "pinterest", "facebook", "email", "whatsapp", "telegram"]
showZenMode = false
showHero = false
# heroStyle = "background" # valid options: basic, big, background, thumbAndBackground
layoutBackgroundBlur = true # only used when heroStyle equals background or thumbAndBackground
layoutBackgroundHeaderSpace = true # only used when heroStyle equals background
showBreadcrumbs = false
showSummary = false
showViews = false
showLikes = false
showTableOfContents = false
showCards = false
groupByYear = true
cardView = false
cardViewScreenWidth = false
constrainItemsWidth = false
excludedKinds = ["taxonomy", "term"]
showTermCount = true
showHero = false
# heroStyle = "background" # valid options: basic, big, background, thumbAndBackground
showBreadcrumbs = false
showViews = false
showLikes = false
showTableOfContents = false
cardView = false
showHero = false
# heroStyle = "background" # valid options: basic, big, background, thumbAndBackground
showBreadcrumbs = false
showViews = false
showLikes = false
showTableOfContents = true
groupByYear = false
cardView = false
cardViewScreenWidth = false
# apiKey = "XXXXXX"
# authDomain = "XXXXXX"
# projectId = "XXXXXX"
# storageBucket = "XXXXXX"
# messagingSenderId = "XXXXXX"
# appId = "XXXXXX"
# measurementId = "XXXXXX"
# site = "ABC12345"
# domain = ""
# websiteid = "ABC12345"
# domain = ""
# identifier = ""
# globalWidget = true
# globalWidgetMessage = "Hello"
# globalWidgetColor = "#FFDD00"
# globalWidgetPosition = "Right"
# google = ""
# bing = ""
# pinterest = ""
# yandex = ""

hugo.toml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
baseURL = ''
languageCode = 'en-us'
title = 'My New Hugo Site'

images/uploads/.keep Normal file
View File

static/admin/config.yml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
name: gitea
repo: tanshu/hugo-labels
app_id: 29063fe9-23eb-469d-9c93-76f208c9f563 # The Client ID provided by Gitea
api_root: # API URL of your Gitea instance
base_url: # Root URL of your Gitea instance
branch: main # Branch to update
media_folder: "static/images/uploads" # Media files will be stored in the repo under static/images/uploads
public_folder: "/images/uploads" # The src attribute for uploaded media will begin with /images/uploads
- name: "labels"
label: "Labels"
folder: "content/labels"
create: true
slug: "{{year}}-{{month}}-{{day}}-{{slug}}"
- { label: "Name", name: "name", widget: "string" }
- { label: "Weight", name: "weight", widget: "string" }
- { label: "Date", name: "date", widget: "datetime" }
- { label: "Description", name: "description", widget: "markdown" }
- { label: "Nutrition", name: "nutrition", widget: "markdown" }

static/admin/index.html Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
<meta name="robots" content="noindex" />
<title>Content Manager</title>
<!-- Include the script that builds the page and powers Decap CMS -->
<script src="^3.0.0/dist/decap-cms.js"></script>

View File

themes/blowfish Submodule

@ -0,0 +1 @@
Subproject commit ba47d99390854b1733a9c5815c4a3e655b0af561