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title |
Bitwarden |
1. Prepare the environment
1.1 Create custom webapp called warden
in the control panel
1.2 Configure Ruby 2.4 by editing ~/.bash_aliases
and adding these aliases
alias ruby=ruby2.4
alias gem=gem2.4
1.3 Install the bundle gem
gem install bundle
2. Install Bitwarden Ruby into the directory
cd ~/webapps
clone https://github.com/jcs/bitwarden-ruby.git warden
cd warden
bundle install
3. Start / Stop / Restart and Cron scripts
3.1 Start
script where $PORT
is the port of the custom webapp
pgrep -f "ruby2.4 /home/tanshu/gems/bin/rackup -p $PORT config.ru" > /dev/null 2>&1 && exit 0
mkdir -p /home/tanshu/webapps/warden/run
cd /home/tanshu/webapps/warden
nohup env RACK_ENV=production bundle exec rackup -p $PORT config.ru > /dev/null 2>&1 &
sleep 3
pgrep -f "ruby2.4 /home/tanshu/gems/bin/rackup -p $PORT config.ru" > /home/tanshu/webapps/warden/run/ruby.pid
3.2 Stop
script where $PORT
is the port of the custom webapp
/usr/bin/pkill -f "ruby2.4 /home/tanshu/gems/bin/rackup -p $PORT config.ru" && rm -f /home/tanshu/webapps/warden/run/ruby.pid
3.3 Restart
sleep 3
3.4 Edit crontab using export VISUAL=nano; crontab -e
and add the following line
*/20 * * * * ~/webapps/warden/bin/start
4. Backup your database
Install gdrive
Install gdrive to backup the database to google account in case of data loss at webfaction
Go to https://github.com/prasmussen/gdrive
and download gdrive-linux-x64
in ~/bin/
wget -o ~/bin/gdrive $URL_FOR_GDRIVE_LINUX_X64_BINARY
Make it executable chmod +x ~/bin/gdrive
Configure Google Drive
Link your gdrive to the account by running gdrive list
and following the instructions.
Create a folder called Bitwarden
and get its id by running gdrive list
Create upload script named bw.sh
in the home directory and make it executable chmod +x ~/bw.sh
~/bin/gdrive upload upload --parent $FOLDER_ID --name production_$(date +%F-%H:%M).sqlite3 ~/webapps/warden/db/production.sqlite3
Automate Backups
Edit crontab using export VISUAL=nano; crontab -e
and add the following line
0 1 * * * ~/bw.sh