Fix: Importing was messed up

Fix: Cashier checkout kept changing the date
This commit is contained in:
Amritanshu 2019-08-20 14:42:43 +05:30
parent aa81743ce7
commit 63c7a541dc
2 changed files with 6 additions and 6 deletions

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@ -11,13 +11,13 @@ call:copyQuery h-Taxes "SELECT 'INSERT INTO taxes(id, name, rate, is_fixture) VA
call:copyQuery i-MenuCategories "SELECT 'INSERT INTO menu_categories(id, name, discount_limit, is_active, is_fixture, sort_order) VALUES (''' + CAST(ProductGroupID AS Nvarchar(36)) + ''', ''' + REPLACE(Name, '''', '''''') + ''', ' + CAST(DiscountLimit AS nvarchar(36)) + ', ' + CASE WHEN IsActive = 1 THEN 'true' ELSE 'false' END + ', false, ' + CAST(SortOrder AS Nvarchar(36)) + ');' FROM Test.dbo.ProductGroups;" call:copyQuery i-MenuCategories "SELECT 'INSERT INTO menu_categories(id, name, discount_limit, is_active, is_fixture, sort_order) VALUES (''' + CAST(ProductGroupID AS Nvarchar(36)) + ''', ''' + REPLACE(Name, '''', '''''') + ''', ' + CAST(DiscountLimit AS nvarchar(36)) + ', ' + CASE WHEN IsActive = 1 THEN 'true' ELSE 'false' END + ', false, ' + CAST(SortOrder AS Nvarchar(36)) + ');' FROM Test.dbo.ProductGroups;"
call:copyQuery j-SaleCategories "SELECT 'INSERT INTO sale_categories(id, name, tax_id) VALUES (''' + CAST(newid() AS Nvarchar(36)) + ''', ''' + REPLACE(pgo.GroupType, '''', '''''') + ''', ''' + CAST((select top 1 t.TaxID from Test.dbo.Taxes t inner join Test.dbo.Products p on t.TaxID = p.VatID inner join Test.dbo.ProductGroups pg on p.ProductGroupID = pg.ProductGroupID where pg.GroupType = pgo.GroupType) AS Nvarchar(36)) + ''');' from (select distinct pgx.GroupType from Test.dbo.ProductGroups pgx) as pgo;" call:copyQuery j-SaleCategories "SELECT 'INSERT INTO sale_categories(id, name, tax_id) VALUES (''' + CAST(newid() AS Nvarchar(36)) + ''', ''' + REPLACE(pgo.GroupType, '''', '''''') + ''', ''' + CAST((select top 1 t.TaxID from Test.dbo.Taxes t inner join Test.dbo.Products p on t.TaxID = p.VatID inner join Test.dbo.ProductGroups pg on p.ProductGroupID = pg.ProductGroupID where pg.GroupType = pgo.GroupType) AS Nvarchar(36)) + ''');' from (select distinct pgx.GroupType from Test.dbo.ProductGroups pgx) as pgo;"
call:copyQuery k-Products "SELECT 'INSERT INTO products(id, name, units, menu_category_id, sale_category_id, price, has_happy_hour, is_active, is_not_available, sort_order, quantity) VALUES (''' + CAST(ProductID AS Nvarchar(36)) + ''', ' + '''' + REPLACE(Name, '''', '''''') + '''' + ', ' + '''' + Units + '''' + ', ' + '''' + CAST(ProductGroupID AS Nvarchar(36)) + '''' + ', ' + '(select id from sale_categories where name = ''' + (SELECT GroupType FROM Test.dbo.ProductGroups pgs WHERE pgs.ProductGroupID = Products.ProductGroupID) + ''')' + ', ' + CAST(Price AS Nvarchar(36)) + ', ' + CASE WHEN HasHappyHour = 1 THEN 'true' ELSE 'false' END + ', ' + CASE WHEN IsActive = 1 THEN 'true' ELSE 'false' END + ', ' + CASE WHEN IsNotAvailable = 1 THEN 'true' ELSE 'false' END + ', ' + CAST(SortOrder AS Nvarchar(36)) + ', ' + CAST(Quantity AS Nvarchar(36)) + ');' FROM Test.dbo.Products;" call:copyQuery k-Products "SELECT 'INSERT INTO products(id, name, units, menu_category_id, sale_category_id, price, has_happy_hour, is_active, is_not_available, sort_order, quantity) VALUES (''' + CAST(ProductID AS Nvarchar(36)) + ''', ' + '''' + REPLACE(Name, '''', '''''') + '''' + ', ' + '''' + Units + '''' + ', ' + '''' + CAST(ProductGroupID AS Nvarchar(36)) + '''' + ', ' + '(select id from sale_categories where name = ''' + (SELECT GroupType FROM Test.dbo.ProductGroups pgs WHERE pgs.ProductGroupID = Products.ProductGroupID) + ''')' + ', ' + CAST(Price AS Nvarchar(36)) + ', ' + CASE WHEN HasHappyHour = 1 THEN 'true' ELSE 'false' END + ', ' + CASE WHEN IsActive = 1 THEN 'true' ELSE 'false' END + ', ' + CASE WHEN IsNotAvailable = 1 THEN 'true' ELSE 'false' END + ', ' + CAST(SortOrder AS Nvarchar(36)) + ', ' + CAST(Quantity AS Nvarchar(36)) + ');' FROM Test.dbo.Products;"
call:copyQuery l-Modifiers "SELECT 'INSERT INTO modifiers(id, name, show_in_bill, is_active, modifier_category_id, price) VALUES (''' + CAST(ModifierID AS Nvarchar(36)) + ''', ' + '''' + REPLACE(Name, '''', '''''') + '''' + ', ' + CASE WHEN ShowInBill = 1 THEN 'true' ELSE 'false' END + ', true, 'e046ad33-dc65-4c78-8833-c3d3538d44c0', ' + CAST(Price AS Nvarchar(36)) + ');' FROM Test.dbo.Modifiers;" call:copyQuery l-Modifiers "SELECT 'INSERT INTO modifiers(id, name, show_in_bill, is_active, modifier_category_id, price) VALUES (''' + CAST(ModifierID AS Nvarchar(36)) + ''', ' + '''' + REPLACE(Name, '''', '''''') + '''' + ', ' + CASE WHEN ShowInBill = 1 THEN 'true' ELSE 'false' END + ', true, ''e046ad33-dc65-4c78-8833-c3d3538d44c0'', ' + CAST(Price AS Nvarchar(36)) + ');' FROM Test.dbo.Modifiers;"
call:copyQuery m-Sections "SELECT 'INSERT INTO sections(id, name) VALUES (''' + CAST(NewID() AS Nvarchar(36)) + ''', ''' + Location + ''');' FROM Test.dbo.PrintLocations GROUP BY Location;" call:copyQuery m-Sections "SELECT 'INSERT INTO sections(id, name) VALUES (''' + CAST(NewID() AS Nvarchar(36)) + ''', ''' + Location + ''');' FROM Test.dbo.PrintLocations GROUP BY Location;"
call:copyQuery n-Printers "SELECT 'INSERT INTO printers(id, name, address, cut_code) VALUES (''' + CAST(NewID() AS Nvarchar(36)) + ''', ''' + Printer + ''', ''' + Printer + ''', ''' + CutCode + ''');' FROM Test.dbo.PrintLocations GROUP BY Printer, CutCode;" call:copyQuery n-Printers "SELECT 'INSERT INTO printers(id, name, address, cut_code) VALUES (''' + CAST(NewID() AS Nvarchar(36)) + ''', ''' + Printer + ''', ''' + Printer + ''', ''' + CutCode + ''');' FROM Test.dbo.PrintLocations GROUP BY Printer, CutCode;"
call:copyQuery o-SectionPrinters "SELECT 'INSERT INTO section_printers(id, menu_category_id, section_id, printer_id, copies) VALUES (''' + CAST(PrintLocationID AS Nvarchar(36)) + ''', ' + COALESCE('''' + CAST(ProductGroupID AS Nvarchar(36)) + '''','null') + ', ' + '(select id from sections where name = ''' + Location + ''')' + ', ' + '(select id from printers where name = ''' + Printer + ''')' + ', ' + CAST(Copies AS nvarchar(36)) + ');' FROM Test.dbo.PrintLocations;" call:copyQuery o-SectionPrinters "SELECT 'INSERT INTO section_printers(id, menu_category_id, section_id, printer_id, copies) VALUES (''' + CAST(PrintLocationID AS Nvarchar(36)) + ''', ' + COALESCE('''' + CAST(ProductGroupID AS Nvarchar(36)) + '''','null') + ', ' + '(select id from sections where name = ''' + Location + ''')' + ', ' + '(select id from printers where name = ''' + Printer + ''')' + ', ' + CAST(Copies AS nvarchar(36)) + ');' FROM Test.dbo.PrintLocations;"
call:copyQuery p-Vouchers "SELECT 'INSERT INTO vouchers(id, date, pax, user_id, creation_date, last_edit_date, bill_id, food_table_id, customer_id, narration, is_void, void_reason, voucher_type, kot_id) VALUES (''' + CAST(VoucherID AS Nvarchar(36)) + ''', ' + '''' + CONVERT(Nvarchar(36), Date, 126) + ''', ' + COALESCE(CAST(Pax AS Nvarchar(36)), 'null') + ', ''' + CAST(TableID AS Nvarchar(36)) + ''', ' + '''' + CONVERT(Nvarchar(36), CreationDate, 126) + ''', ' + '''' + CONVERT(Nvarchar(36), LastEditDate, 126) + ''', ' + COALESCE(CAST(BillID AS Nvarchar(36)), 'null') + ', ' + '''' + CAST(TableID AS Nvarchar(36)) + ''', ' + '''' + CAST(CustomerID AS Nvarchar(36)) + ''', ' + COALESCE('''' + REPLACE(Narration, '''', '''''') + '''', 'null') + ', ' + CASE WHEN Void = 1 THEN 'true' ELSE 'false' END + ', ' + COALESCE('''' + REPLACE(VoidReason, '''', '''''') + '''', 'null') + ', ' + CASE WHEN Printed = 0 THEN '0' WHEN Void = 1 THEN '5' ELSE CAST(VoucherType AS Nvarchar(36)) END + ', ' + CAST(KotID AS Nvarchar(36)) + ');' FROM Test.dbo.Vouchers;" call:copyQuery p-Vouchers "SELECT 'INSERT INTO vouchers(id, date, pax, user_id, creation_date, last_edit_date, bill_id, food_table_id, customer_id, narration, is_void, void_reason, voucher_type, kot_id) VALUES (''' + CAST(VoucherID AS Nvarchar(36)) + ''', ' + '''' + CONVERT(Nvarchar(36), Date, 126) + ''', ' + COALESCE(CAST(Pax AS Nvarchar(36)), 'null') + ', ''' + CAST(UserID AS Nvarchar(36)) + ''', ' + '''' + CONVERT(Nvarchar(36), CreationDate, 126) + ''', ' + '''' + CONVERT(Nvarchar(36), LastEditDate, 126) + ''', ' + COALESCE(CAST(BillID AS Nvarchar(36)), 'null') + ', ' + '''' + CAST(TableID AS Nvarchar(36)) + ''', ' + '''' + CAST(CustomerID AS Nvarchar(36)) + ''', ' + COALESCE('''' + REPLACE(Narration, '''', '''''') + '''', 'null') + ', ' + CASE WHEN Void = 1 THEN 'true' ELSE 'false' END + ', ' + COALESCE('''' + REPLACE(VoidReason, '''', '''''') + '''', 'null') + ', ' + CASE WHEN Printed = 0 THEN '0' WHEN Void = 1 THEN '5' ELSE CAST(VoucherType AS Nvarchar(36)) END + ', ' + CAST(KotID AS Nvarchar(36)) + ');' FROM Test.dbo.Vouchers;"
call:copyQuery q-Kots "SELECT 'INSERT INTO kots(id, voucher_id, code, food_table_id, date, user_id) VALUES (''' + CAST(KotID AS Nvarchar(36)) + ''', ' + '''' + CAST(VoucherID AS Nvarchar(36)) + '''' + ', ' + CAST(Code AS Nvarchar(36)) + ', ' + '''' + CAST(TableID AS Nvarchar(36)) + '''' + ', ' + '''' + CONVERT(Nvarchar(36), Date, 126) + ''', ''' + CAST(TableID AS Nvarchar(36)) + ''');' FROM Test.dbo.Kots;" call:copyQuery q-Kots "SELECT 'INSERT INTO kots(id, voucher_id, code, food_table_id, date, user_id) VALUES (''' + CAST(KotID AS Nvarchar(36)) + ''', ' + '''' + CAST(VoucherID AS Nvarchar(36)) + '''' + ', ' + CAST(Code AS Nvarchar(36)) + ', ' + '''' + CAST(TableID AS Nvarchar(36)) + '''' + ', ' + '''' + CONVERT(Nvarchar(36), Date, 126) + ''', ''' + CAST(UserID AS Nvarchar(36)) + ''');' FROM Test.dbo.Kots;"
call:copyQuery r-Inventories "SELECT 'INSERT INTO inventories(id, kot_id, product_id, sort_order, quantity, price, is_happy_hour, tax_rate, tax_id, discount) VALUES (''' + CAST(InventoryID AS Nvarchar(36)) + ''', ' + '''' + CAST(KotID AS Nvarchar(36)) + '''' + ', ' + '''' + CAST(ProductID AS Nvarchar(36)) + '''' + ', ' + CAST(SortOrder AS Nvarchar(36)) + ', ' + CAST(Quantity AS Nvarchar(36)) + ', ' + CAST(Price AS Nvarchar(36)) + ', ' + CASE WHEN IsHappyHour = 1 THEN 'true' ELSE 'false' END + ', ' + CAST(VatRate AS Nvarchar(36)) + ', ' + '''' + CAST(VatID AS Nvarchar(36)) + '''' + ', ' + CAST(Discount AS Nvarchar(36)) + ');' FROM Test.dbo.Inventories;" call:copyQuery r-Inventories "SELECT 'INSERT INTO inventories(id, kot_id, product_id, sort_order, quantity, price, is_happy_hour, tax_rate, tax_id, discount) VALUES (''' + CAST(InventoryID AS Nvarchar(36)) + ''', ' + '''' + CAST(KotID AS Nvarchar(36)) + '''' + ', ' + '''' + CAST(ProductID AS Nvarchar(36)) + '''' + ', ' + CAST(SortOrder AS Nvarchar(36)) + ', ' + CAST(Quantity AS Nvarchar(36)) + ', ' + CAST(Price AS Nvarchar(36)) + ', ' + CASE WHEN IsHappyHour = 1 THEN 'true' ELSE 'false' END + ', ' + CAST(VatRate AS Nvarchar(36)) + ', ' + '''' + CAST(VatID AS Nvarchar(36)) + '''' + ', ' + CAST(Discount AS Nvarchar(36)) + ');' FROM Test.dbo.Inventories;"
call:copyQuery s-InventoryModifiers "SELECT 'INSERT INTO inventory_modifiers(id, inventory_id, modifier_id, price) VALUES (''' + CAST(InventoryModifierID AS Nvarchar(36)) + ''', ' + '''' + CAST(InventoryID AS Nvarchar(36)) + '''' + ', ' + '''' + CAST(ModifierID AS Nvarchar(36)) + '''' + ', 0);' FROM Test.dbo.InventoryModifiers;" call:copyQuery s-InventoryModifiers "SELECT 'INSERT INTO inventory_modifiers(id, inventory_id, modifier_id, price) VALUES (''' + CAST(InventoryModifierID AS Nvarchar(36)) + ''', ' + '''' + CAST(InventoryID AS Nvarchar(36)) + '''' + ', ' + '''' + CAST(ModifierID AS Nvarchar(36)) + '''' + ', 0);' FROM Test.dbo.InventoryModifiers;"
call:copyQuery t-Overview "SELECT 'INSERT INTO overview(id, voucher_id, food_table_id, status) VALUES (''' + CAST(newid() AS Nvarchar(36)) + ''', ' + '''' + CAST(VoucherID AS Nvarchar(36)) + ''', ' + '''' + CAST(FoodTableID AS Nvarchar(36)) + ''', ' + '''' + Status + ''');' FROM Test.dbo.FoodTables WHERE VoucherID IS NOT NULL;" call:copyQuery t-Overview "SELECT 'INSERT INTO overview(id, voucher_id, food_table_id, status) VALUES (''' + CAST(newid() AS Nvarchar(36)) + ''', ' + '''' + CAST(VoucherID AS Nvarchar(36)) + ''', ' + '''' + CAST(FoodTableID AS Nvarchar(36)) + ''', ' + '''' + Status + ''');' FROM Test.dbo.FoodTables WHERE VoucherID IS NOT NULL;"

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import uuid import uuid
from datetime import datetime, timedelta from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from barker.models import Voucher, User, Settlement, VoucherType from barker.models import Voucher, User, Settlement
from pyramid.view import view_config from pyramid.view import view_config
from sqlalchemy.orm import joinedload from sqlalchemy.orm import joinedload
@ -105,8 +105,8 @@ def check_me_out(request):
) )
amounts[] += so.amount amounts[] += so.amount
return { return {
"startDate": start_date.strftime("%d-%b-%Y"), "startDate": request.GET["s"],
"finishDate": finish_date.strftime("%d-%b-%Y"), "finishDate": request.GET["f"],
"user": {"id": id_}, "user": {"id": id_},
"amounts": [{'name': key, 'amount': value} for key, value in amounts.items()], "info": info "amounts": [{'name': key, 'amount': value} for key, value in amounts.items()], "info": info
} }