################################################# # DO Community Playbooks: Docker ################################################# --- - hosts: all become: true vars_files: - vars/default.yml tasks: - name: Pull default Trilium image docker_image: name: "{{ container_image }}" source: pull # Creates the number of containers defined by the variable create_containers, using values from vars file - name: Create Trilium container docker_container: name: "{{ container_name }}" image: "{{ container_image }}" state: started published_ports: - volumes: - /var/lib/trilium:/root/trilium-data - name: Sets Nginx conf file for trilium template: src: "files/nginx.conf.j2" dest: "/etc/nginx/sites-available/{{ http_conf }}" - name: Enables new site file: src: "/etc/nginx/sites-available/{{ http_conf }}" dest: "/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/{{ http_conf }}" state: link notify: Reload Nginx handlers: - name: Reload Nginx service: name: nginx state: reloaded - name: Restart Nginx service: name: nginx state: restarted