unknown 2d1030abf6 Scripts to transition database to new version.
Changed inventory and product entities to split Vat and Service Tax and IsScTaxable.
Added MessageBox on startup to inform about Debug Mode.
Updated ProductForm for the change.
Work still needs to be done on Thermal Printing where the hack for VAT on Food and VAT on Liqour is still there.
Now No Service Tax on Delivery Works as promised.
2012-04-08 17:58:15 +05:30

128 lines
5.5 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Tanshu.Accounts.Entities;
using Tanshu.Common.Helpers;
namespace Tanshu.Accounts.Print
public static partial class Thermal
private static string DesignBill(Voucher voucher, IDictionary<int, Inventory> list)
var billText = "";
billText += Header(voucher);
billText += Products(voucher, list);
decimal amount;
amount = Net(list.Values);
if (amount != 0)
billText += "\n\r" + FormatText("Net : ", 33, Align.Right) + FormatBillNum(amount, 9);
amount = HappyHourDiscount(list.Values);
if (amount != 0)
billText += "\n\r" + FormatText("Happy Hour Discount : ", 33, Align.Right) + FormatBillNum(amount, 9);
amount = Discount(list.Values);
if (amount != 0)
billText += "\n\r" + FormatText("Discount : ", 33, Align.Right) + FormatBillNum(amount, 9);
amount = ServiceCharge(list.Values);
if (amount != 0)
billText += "\n\r" + FormatText("Service Charge : ", 33, Align.Right) + FormatBillNum(amount, 9);
// Begin Service Tax and VAT Hack
amount = SplitTax(list.Values, .13125M);
if (amount != 0)
billText += "\n\r" + FormatText("VAT on Food : ", 33, Align.Right) +
FormatBillNum(amount, 9);
amount = SplitTax(list.Values, .1575M);
if (amount != 0)
billText += "\n\r" + FormatText("VAT on Liqour : ", 33, Align.Right) +
FormatBillNum(amount, 9);
amount = ServiceTax(list.Values);
if (amount != 0)
billText += "\n\r" + FormatText("Cental Govt. ST : ", 33, Align.Right) +
FormatBillNum(amount, 9);
amount = Amount(list.Values);
if (amount != 0)
billText += string.Format("\n\r{0,33}{1,9:#,##0.00;(#,##0.00);0}", "Final Amount : ", Math.Round(amount, 0));
billText += DrawLine;
if (voucher.VoucherType == VoucherType.NoCharge || voucher.VoucherType == VoucherType.Staff)
billText += "\n\r" + "THIS IS NOT A BILL - DON'T PAY".Center42();
billText += DrawLine;
if (voucher.Narration != "")
billText += "\n\r" + FormatText(voucher.Narration, 42, Align.Centre);
billText += DrawLine;
if (voucher.Customer.CustomerID != 1)
billText += "\n\r" + voucher.Customer.Name;
billText += string.Format("\n\r{0}\n\r{1}", voucher.Customer.Phone, voucher.Customer.Address);
billText += DrawLine;
billText += "\n\r" + "Cashier : " + voucher.User.Name + " / " + voucher.Waiter.Name;
billText += "\n\r" + "Call: 0172-4026666, 8054923853, 8054923856";
return billText;
private static string Products(Voucher voucher, IDictionary<int, Inventory> list)
var billNo = voucher.BillID.Substring(voucher.BillID.IndexOf("-") + 1);
var billText = "";
billText += "\n\r" + string.Format("Bill No: {0,-12} {1:dd-MMM-yyyy HH:mm:ss}", billNo, voucher.Date);
billText += "\n\r" + "Table No.: " + voucher.TableID;
billText += "\n\r" + "------------------------------------------";
billText += "\n\r" + "Qty. Particulars Price Amount";
billText += "\n\r" + "------------------------------------------";
foreach (var item in list.Values.Where(item => item.Quantity != 0))
billText += "\n\r" + FormatBillNum(item.Quantity, 5) + " ";
billText += FormatText(Name(item.Product), 22, Align.Left) + " ";
billText += FormatBillNum(item.FullPrice, 6) + " ";
billText += FormatBillNum(item.FullPrice * item.Quantity, 6);
billText += "\n\r" + "------------------------------------------";
return billText;
private static string Header(Voucher voucher)
var billText = "";
billText += "\n\r" + "Hops n Grains".Center42();
billText += "\n\r" + "The Microbrewery".Center42();
billText += "\n\r" + "SCO 358, Sector 9, Panchkula".Center42();
billText += "\n\r" + "A Unit of Peitho Foods Pvt. Ltd.".Center42();
billText += "\n\r" + "TIN: 06592507323".Center42();
switch (voucher.VoucherType)
case VoucherType.Regular:
billText += "\n\r" + "Retail Invoice".Center42();
billText += "\n\r";
case VoucherType.NoCharge:
billText += "\n\r" + "NO CHARGE - THIS IS NOT A BILL - DON'T PAY".Center42();
billText += "\n\r";
case VoucherType.TakeAway:
billText += "\n\r" + "Retail Invoice (Delivery)".Center42();
billText += "\n\r";
case VoucherType.Staff:
billText += "\n\r" + "STAFF CONSUMPTION -- THIS IS NOT A BILL".Center42();
billText += "\n\r";
return billText;