unknown 964d0a78bf Added Basecode to Product
Added Voucher Type During Printing
Added Discount Report
Fixed Void bill table not getting cleared error
Added PAX to table
Removed Itital Setup button in MainForm as it was not doing anything
2011-12-05 15:11:02 +05:30

340 lines
15 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using Tanshu.Accounts.Contracts;
using Tanshu.Accounts.Entities;
using Tanshu.Accounts.Repository;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Tanshu.Common.Helpers;
namespace Tanshu.Accounts.Print
public static partial class Thermal
private const string DrawLine = "\n\r------------------------------------------";
private const string DrawEqual = "\n\r==========================================";
private static string DesignKot(Voucher voucher, Kot kot, IEnumerable<Inventory> billItems, int copyNumber)
var waiter = voucher.Waiter;
var billText = "\n\r" + "KOT / BOT".Center42();
billText += "\n\r" + string.Format("Copy No. {0}", copyNumber).Center42();
billText += DrawLine;
billText += string.Format("\n\rKOT ID : {0,-7}/{1,-7} {2:dd-MMM-yyyy HH:mm}", voucher.KotID, kot.Code, kot.Date);
billText += string.Format("\n\rTable No.: {0} / {1}", voucher.TableID, waiter.Name);
billText += DrawLine;
billText += "\n\r Qty. x Name ";
billText += DrawLine;
foreach (var item in billItems)
billText += string.Format("\n\r{0,6:#,##0.00} x {1,-33}", item.Quantity, Name(item.Product));
foreach (var mod in item.InventoryModifier)
billText += string.Format("\n\r --- {0,-32}", mod.Modifier.Name);
billText += DrawLine;
if (voucher.Narration != "")
billText += "\n\r" + FormatText(voucher.Narration, 42, Align.Centre);
billText += DrawLine;
return billText;
private static string DesignBill(Voucher voucher)
var list = new Dictionary<int, Inventory>();
foreach (var item in voucher.Kots.SelectMany(kot => kot.Inventories))
if (list.ContainsKey(item.Product.ProductID))
list[item.Product.ProductID].Quantity += item.Quantity;
list.Add(item.Product.ProductID, item);
return DesignBill(voucher, list);
private static decimal Amount(IEnumerable<Inventory> list)
return list.Sum(item => item.Quantity * item.Price * (1 - item.Discount) * (1 + item.ServiceCharge) * (1 + item.Tax));
private static decimal Tax(IEnumerable<Inventory> list)
return list.Sum(item => item.Quantity * item.Price * (1 - item.Discount) * (1 + item.ServiceCharge) * item.Tax);
private static decimal ServiceCharge(IEnumerable<Inventory> list)
return list.Sum(item => item.Quantity * item.Price * (1 - item.Discount) * item.ServiceCharge);
private static decimal Discount(IEnumerable<Inventory> list)
return list.Sum(item => item.Quantity * item.Price * item.Discount);
private static decimal Net(IEnumerable<Inventory> list)
return list.Sum(item => item.Quantity * item.FullPrice);
private static decimal HappyHourDiscount(IEnumerable<Inventory> list)
return list.Sum(item => item.Quantity * (item.FullPrice - item.Price));
private static string Name(Product product)
return string.IsNullOrEmpty(product.Units)
? product.Name
: string.Format("{0} ({1})", product.Name, product.Units);
private static string FormatText(string inputString, int width, Align alignment)
if (inputString.Length > width)
return inputString.Substring(0, width);
if (alignment == Align.Left)
return string.Format("{0,-" + width + "}", inputString);
if (alignment == Align.Centre)
int left = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Ceiling(Convert.ToDouble((width - inputString.Length) / 2))) +
inputString = string.Format("{0,-" + left + "}", inputString);
return string.Format("{0," + width + "}", inputString);
if (alignment == Align.Right)
return string.Format("{0," + width + "}", inputString);
return inputString;
private static string FormatBillNum(decimal amount, int length)
var temp = String.Format("{0:#,##0.00;(#,##0.00);0}", amount);
return string.Format("{0," + length + "}", temp);
private static bool PrintRaw(PrintLocation printer, string text, string documentName)
#if (DEBUG)
return true;
text += printer.CutCode;
if (!ThermalPrinter.Printer.Print(printer.Printer, documentName, text))
MessageBox.Show("Error in PrintRAW Function. Please Report immediately");
return true;
public static Boolean PrintAdvance(string user, string advance, string narration)
var billText = "\n\r" + FormatText("Hops n Grains", 42, Align.Centre);
billText += "\n\r" + FormatText("The Microbrewery", 42, Align.Centre);
billText += "\n\r" + FormatText("SCO 358, Sector 9, Panchkula", 42, Align.Centre);
billText += "\n\r" + FormatText("A Unit of Peitho Foods Pvt. Ltd.", 42, Align.Centre);
billText += DrawLine;
billText += "\n\r" +
FormatText(string.Format("{0:dd-MMM-yyyy HH:mm:ss}", DateTime.Now), 42, Align.Centre);
billText += "\n\r" + FormatText("Received Rs. " + advance + " as advance.", 42, Align.Centre);
billText += DrawLine;
if (narration != "") billText += "\n\r" + FormatText(narration, 42, Align.Centre);
billText += DrawLine;
billText += "\n\r" + FormatText("Thanking you " + user, 42, Align.Left);
billText += "\n\r";
billText += "\n\r";
billText += "\n\r";
billText += "\n\r";
billText += "\n\r";
billText += "Signed" + "\n\r";
billText += "\n\r";
PrintRaw(PrintLocationBI.BasePrinter, billText, "Advance for " + user);
return PrintRaw(PrintLocationBI.BasePrinter, billText, "Advance for " + user);
public static Boolean PrintClosing(CheckoutBI details)
var billText = FormatText(string.Format("{0} Checkout By {1}", details.Cashier.Name, details.Manager), 42, Align.Centre);
billText += string.Format("\n\r{0:dd-MMM-yy} To {1:dd-MMM-yy} @ {2:dd-MMM-yyyy HH:mm}",
details.StartDate, details.FinishDate, DateTime.Now);
billText += DrawLine;
//BillText += string.Format("\n\rOpening : {0,26:#,##0.00}", details.Opening);
//BillText += string.Format("\n\rReceipts : {0,26:#,##0.00}", details.Receipts);
billText += string.Format("\n\rAdvance Rcv. : {0,26:#,##0.00}", details.AdvanceReceipts);
billText += string.Format("\n\rCC Receipts : {0,26:#,##0.00}", details.CcReceipts);
billText += string.Format("\n\rNC Amount : {0,26:#,##0.00}", details.NcReceipts);
billText += string.Format("\n\rBTC Amount : {0,26:#,##0.00}", details.BtcReceipts);
billText += string.Format("\n\rCash Amount : {0,26:#,##0.00}", details.CashReceipts);
billText += string.Format("\n\rAdvance Adj. : {0,26:#,##0.00}", details.AdvanceAdjusted);
//BillText += string.Format("\n\rPayments : {0,26:#,##0.00}", details.CashPayments);
//BillText += string.Format("\n\rAddl. Voids : {0,26:#,##0.00}", details.AdditionalVoids);
billText += string.Format("\n\rVoids in Sys. : {0,26:#,##0.00}", details.VoidsInSystem);
billText += string.Format("\n\rDiscounts : {0,26:#,##0.00}", details.Discount);
billText += string.Format("\n\rPending Bills : {0,26:#,##0.00}", details.PendingBills);
billText += string.Format("\n\rNet Sales : {0,26:#,##0.00}", details.CashReceipts);
billText += string.Format("\n\rClosing Bal. : {0,26:#,##0.00}", details.ClosingBalance);
billText += string.Format("\n\rCash Dep. : {0,26:#,##0.00}", details.CashDeposited);
billText += DrawLine;
billText += string.Format("\n\rOld Pending : {0,26:#,##0.00}", details.OldPending);
billText += string.Format("\n\rOld Receipts : {0,26:#,##0.00}", details.OldReceipts);
billText += string.Format("\n\rOld Voided : {0,26:#,##0.00}", details.OldVoided);
billText += DrawEqual;
billText += "\n\r" + FormatText(details.Status, 42, Align.Centre);
billText += DrawEqual;
billText += string.Format("\n\rActive Cashiers : {0}", details.Cashiers);
if (details.PendingString.Length > 0)
billText += details.PendingString;
if (details.CcString.Length > 0)
billText += details.CcString;
if (details.NcString.Length > 0)
billText += details.NcString;
if (details.BtcString.Length > 0)
billText += details.BtcString;
if (details.VoidsString.Length > 0)
billText += details.VoidsString;
if (details.PaymentString.Length > 0)
billText += details.PaymentString;
if (details.DiscountString.Length > 0)
billText += details.DiscountString;
return PrintRaw(PrintLocationBI.BasePrinter, billText, "Closing");
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
public static string FormatPrintNum(string inputString)
return inputString == "" ? "0.00" : FormatText(inputString, 24, Align.Right);
//return FormatText(FormatNumber(InputString.Trim, 2, TriState.UseDefault, TriState.True, TriState.True), 24, False, Align.Right);
public static void PrintBill(int voucherID)
Voucher voucher;
using (var bi = new VoucherBI(false))
voucher = bi.Get(x => x.VoucherID == voucherID);
PrintRaw(PrintLocationBI.BasePrinter, DesignBill(voucher), "Bill");
public static void PrintKot(int voucherID, int kotID)
var stopwatch = new Stopwatch();
Voucher voucher;
using (var bi = new VoucherBI(false))
voucher = bi.Get(x => x.VoucherID == voucherID);
var dict = new Dictionary<PrintLocation, List<Inventory>>();
var kot = voucher.Kots.SingleOrDefault(x => x.KotID == kotID);
if (kot == null)
foreach (var inventory in kot.Inventories)
var type = inventory.Product.ProductGroup.ProductGroupID;
var printer = PrintLocationBI.KotPrinter(type);
if (!dict.ContainsKey(printer))
dict.Add(printer, new List<Inventory>());
Trace.TraceWarning("kot and printers built in {0} ms", stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds);
foreach (var item in dict)
for (var i = 0; i < item.Key.Copies; i++)
PrintRaw(item.Key, DesignKot(voucher, kot, item.Value, i), "KOT");
Trace.TraceWarning("kot designed and printed in {0} ms", stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds);
#region Print Cash Total
public static Boolean PrintCash(Dictionary<int, int> amount, string user)
string printText;
int total = 0;
printText = FormatText(user, 42, Align.Centre);
printText += DrawLine;
printText += "\n\r" +
FormatText(string.Format("{0:dd-MMM-yyyy HH:mm:ss}", DateTime.Now), 42, Align.Centre);
foreach (int key in amount.Keys.OrderByDescending(k => k))
printText += CashLine(amount, key);
total += amount[key] * key;
printText += "\n\r" + DrawEqual;
printText += string.Format("\n\r Total = {0,10:#,##0}", total);
printText += DrawLine;
return PrintRaw(PrintLocationBI.BasePrinter, printText, "Closing/Opening for " + user);
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
public static Boolean PrintSale(string user, IList<SalesAnalysis> det, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate)
var printText = FormatText(user, 42, Align.Centre);
printText += DrawLine;
printText += "\n\r" +
FormatText(string.Format("{0:dd-MMM-yyyy HH:mm:ss}", DateTime.Now), 42, Align.Centre);
printText += "\n\r" +
FormatText(string.Format("{0:dd-MMM-yyyy} to {1:dd-MMM-yyyy}", startDate, endDate), 42, Align.Centre);
printText += DrawLine;
foreach (SalesAnalysis d in det)
printText += string.Format("\n\r {0,-22} {1,9:#,##0}", d.GroupType, d.Amount);
printText += DrawEqual;
return PrintRaw(PrintLocationBI.BasePrinter, printText, "Sale Detail " + user);
public static Boolean PrintSale(string user, IList<SalesAnalysisDetail> list, DateTime startDate,
DateTime endDate)
var printText = FormatText(user, 42, Align.Centre);
printText += DrawLine;
printText += "\n\r" +
FormatText(string.Format("{0:dd-MMM-yyyy HH:mm:ss}", DateTime.Now), 42, Align.Centre);
printText += "\n\r" +
FormatText(string.Format("{0:dd-MMM-yyyy} to {1:dd-MMM-yyyy}", startDate, endDate), 42, Align.Centre);
printText += DrawLine;
foreach (var item in list)
printText += string.Format("\n\r{0,-22} {1,9:#,##0.00} {2,9:#,##0.00}", item.Product, item.Sale,
printText += DrawEqual;
return PrintRaw(PrintLocationBI.BasePrinter, printText, "Sale Detail " + user);
private static string CashLine(IDictionary<int, int> amount, int key)
return amount.ContainsKey(key) ? string.Format("\n\r{0,5:#,##0} x {1,10:#,##0} = {2,10:#,##0}", key, amount[key], key * amount[key]) : string.Empty;