using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Windows.Forms; using Tanshu.Accounts.Entities; using Tanshu.Common.Helpers; using Tanshu.Common.KeyboardControl; namespace Tanshu.Accounts.PointOfSale { public partial class SettleChoicesForm : Form { private readonly IDictionary _list; private decimal _amount; private readonly VoucherType _voucherType; public SettleChoicesForm(decimal amount, VoucherType voucherType) { InitializeComponent(); _amount = amount; _voucherType = voucherType; OptionsChosen = new Dictionary(); _list = new Dictionary(); } private void ButtonClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { var button = sender as Button; if (button == null || button.Tag == null) return; if (button.Tag is SettleOption) { var settleOption = (SettleOption)button.Tag; using (var frm = new SettleAmountsForm(new NumpadControl(), settleOption, _amount)) { frm.ShowDialog(); UpdateChoice(settleOption, frm.AmountSettled, _list[button]); } } else { if ((string)button.Tag == "Cancel") _optionsChosen.Clear(); this.Close(); } } private void UpdateChoice(SettleOption settleOption, decimal amount, int group) { var oldAmount = _optionsChosen.ContainsKey(settleOption) ? _optionsChosen[settleOption] : 0; if (amount == 0 && _optionsChosen.ContainsKey(settleOption)) _optionsChosen.Remove(settleOption); else if (_optionsChosen.ContainsKey(settleOption)) _optionsChosen[settleOption] = amount; else if (amount != 0) _optionsChosen.Add(settleOption, amount); _amount += oldAmount - amount; txtAmount.Text = string.Format("Pending Amount: Rs. {0}", _amount); if (_optionsChosen.Count == 0) foreach (var item in _list) item.Key.Enabled = true; else foreach (var item in _list.Where(item => item.Value != group)) item.Key.Enabled = false; } private IDictionary _optionsChosen; public IDictionary OptionsChosen { get { return _amount == 0 ? _optionsChosen : new Dictionary(); } private set { _optionsChosen = value; } } private void SettleChoicesFormLoad(object sender, EventArgs e) { txtAmount.Text = string.Format("Pending Amount: Rs. {0}", _amount); var count = 0; foreach (SettleOption item in Enum.GetValues(typeof(SettleOption))) { var attribute = item.Attribute(); if (!attribute.ShowInChoices || attribute.Group != _voucherType.Attribute().Group) continue; var button = new Button { Name = item.ToString(), Text = attribute.Name, Size = new Size(75, 75), TabIndex = count, UseVisualStyleBackColor = true, Tag = item }; button.Click += new EventHandler(ButtonClick); flpSettlement.Controls.Add(button); _list.Add(button, attribute.Group); count++; } var controlButton = new Button { Name = "btnOK", Text = "OK", Size = new Size(75, 75), TabIndex = count, UseVisualStyleBackColor = true, Tag = "OK" }; controlButton.Click += new EventHandler(ButtonClick); flpSettlement.Controls.Add(controlButton); // _list.Add(controlButton); --- Do not add to list count++; controlButton = new Button { Name = "btnCancel", Text = "Cancel", Size = new Size(75, 75), TabIndex = count, UseVisualStyleBackColor = true, Tag = "Cancel" }; controlButton.Click += new EventHandler(ButtonClick); flpSettlement.Controls.Add(controlButton); // _list.Add(controlButton); --- Do not add to list count++; txtAmount.TabIndex = count; this.Size = this.SizeFromClientSize(new Size(count * (75 + 6), 3 + txtAmount.Height + 6 + 75 + 3)); txtAmount.Width = flpSettlement.Width - 6; } } }