using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Windows.Forms; using Tanshu.Accounts.Contracts; using Tanshu.Accounts.Entities; using Tanshu.Accounts.Helpers; using Tanshu.Accounts.Print; using Tanshu.Accounts.Repository; using Tanshu.Common; using System; namespace Tanshu.Accounts.PointOfSale { public class BillController { public readonly BillDict _bill; public Voucher _voucher; public Guid? _editVoucherID; public BillController(Guid? editVoucherID) { this._editVoucherID = editVoucherID; _bill = new BillDict(); using (var bi = new CustomerBI()) _voucher = new Voucher(Session.User, bi.Get(x => x.CustomerID == Constants.CASH_CUSTOMER)); } public void AddProduct(Product product) { var newKey = new BillItemKey(product.ProductID, Guid.Empty, product.HasHappyHour); if (_bill.ContainsKey(newKey)) { _bill[newKey].inventory.Quantity += 1; } else { var billItemValue = new BillItemValue(product, product.HasHappyHour); var old = _bill.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Key.BillItemType == (product.HasHappyHour ? BillItemType.HappyHourProduct : BillItemType.RegularProduct) && x.Key.ProductID == newKey.ProductID); if (old.Key != null) { billItemValue.inventory.Discount = old.Value.inventory.Discount; billItemValue.inventory.Price = old.Value.inventory.Price; } _bill.Add(newKey, billItemValue); } } public void ShowModifiers(BillItemValue item) { using (var frm = new ModifierForm(Cache.ProductGroupModifiers(item.inventory.Product.ProductGroup.ProductGroupID), item.inventory.InventoryModifier)) { frm.ShowDialog(); } } public void SetDiscount() { if (!Session.IsAllowed("Discount")) return; using (var bi = new ProductGroupBI()) { using (var frm = new DiscountForm(bi.GetProductGroupTypes())) { if (frm.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { HashSet outList; var discount = frm.Selection(out outList); discount = discount / 100; if (discount > 1 || discount < 0) return; foreach (var item in _bill.Where(x => x.Key.BillItemType != BillItemType.Kot && outList.Contains(x.Value.inventory.Product.ProductGroup.GroupType))) { var product = item.Value.inventory.Product; var maxDiscount = product.ProductGroup.DiscountLimit; if (discount > item.Value.inventory.Product.ProductGroup.DiscountLimit) MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Maximum discount for {0} is {1:P}", product.Name, maxDiscount), "Excessive Discount", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); item.Value.inventory.Discount = discount; } } } } } public void SetQuantity(BillItemKey key, BillItemValue item, decimal quantity, bool prompt) { if (item == null || key.KotID != Guid.Empty) return; // No Product or Old Product if (prompt && !GetInput("Quantity", ref quantity)) return; if (!prompt) quantity += item.inventory.Quantity; if (quantity < 0 && !Session.IsAllowed("Edit Printed Product")) return; var old = _bill.Where(x => x.Key.ProductID == key.ProductID && x.Key.KotID != Guid.Empty && x.Key.BillItemType == key.BillItemType).Sum(x => x.Value.inventory.Quantity); quantity = Math.Max(quantity, -1 * old); item.inventory.Quantity = quantity; } public void SetPrice(BillItemValue item) { if (item.inventory.IsHappyHour) return; if (!Session.IsAllowed("Change Rate")) return; var price = item.inventory.Price; if (!GetInput("Price", ref price)) return; if (price == 0 && !Session.IsAllowed("NC Product")) throw new PermissionException("NC of Product is not Allowed"); foreach (var sub in _bill.Where(x => x.Key.BillItemType != BillItemType.Kot && x.Key.ProductID == item.inventory.Product.ProductID)) sub.Value.inventory.Price = price; } public void ShowCustomers() { using (var frm = new CustomerListForm()) { frm.ShowDialog(); _voucher.Customer = frm.SelectedItem; } } private static bool IsPrintedOrVoid(Voucher voucher) { using (var bi = new VoucherBI()) { var dbVoucher = bi.Get(x => x.VoucherID == voucher.VoucherID); return dbVoucher.Printed || dbVoucher.Void; } } private static bool IsPrintedOrVoid(Guid voucherID) { using (var bi = new VoucherBI()) { var dbVoucher = bi.Get(x => x.VoucherID == voucherID); return dbVoucher.Printed || dbVoucher.Void; } } private void InputBox_Validating(object sender, InputBoxValidatingArgs e) { } private void LoadBill(Guid voucherID) { using (var bi = new VoucherBI()) { _voucher = bi.Get(x => x.VoucherID == voucherID); _bill.Load(_voucher); var newKotKey = new BillItemKey(Guid.Empty); var newKotItem = new BillItemValue(); _bill.Add(newKotKey, newKotItem); } } public void LoadBill(string tableName) { FoodTable table; using (var bi = new FoodTableBI()) table = bi.Get(x => x.Name == tableName); if (table != null && table.VoucherID.HasValue) { LoadBill(table.VoucherID.Value); } else { using (var frm = new PaxForm()) { frm.ShowDialog(); _voucher.Table = table; _voucher.Pax = frm.Pax; } } } public bool CancelBillChanges() { if (_bill.Any(x => x.Key.BillItemType != BillItemType.Kot && x.Key.KotID == Guid.Empty) && MessageBox.Show("Abandon Changes?", "Abandon Changes", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button2) == DialogResult.No) return false; ClearBill(); return true; } private void ClearBill() { using (var bi = new CustomerBI()) _voucher = new Voucher(Session.User, bi.Get(x => x.CustomerID == Constants.CASH_CUSTOMER)); _bill.Clear(); var newKotKey = new BillItemKey(Guid.Empty); var newKotItem = new BillItemValue(); _bill.Add(newKotKey, newKotItem); } public SaleFormState FormLoad() { ClearBill(); if (_editVoucherID.HasValue) { FoodTable ft; using (var bi = new FoodTableBI()) ft = bi.Get(x => x.VoucherID == _editVoucherID.Value); LoadBill(_editVoucherID.Value); if (ft != null) _editVoucherID = null; return SaleFormState.Billing; } return SaleFormState.Waiting; } internal bool SettleBill() { if (_voucher.VoucherID == Guid.Empty || !_voucher.Printed || !Session.IsAllowed("Settle Bill")) return false; IDictionary options; var amount = -1 * _voucher.Kots.Sum(x => x.Inventories.Sum(y => y.Amount)); using (var frm = new SettleChoicesForm(Math.Round(amount) * -1, _voucher.VoucherType)) { frm.ShowDialog(); options = frm.OptionsChosen; } if (options.Count == 0) return false; using (var bi = new VoucherBI()) { bi.SettleVoucher(Session.User, _voucher.VoucherID, options); if (!_editVoucherID.HasValue) bi.UpdateTable(x => x.FoodTableID == _voucher.Table.FoodTableID && x.VoucherID == _voucher.VoucherID, null, null); bi.SaveChanges(); } ClearBill(); return true; } #region Move Table(s) / Kot(s) private static FoodTable GetTableForMove(bool allowMerge) { using (var bi = new FoodTableBI()) { using (var frm = new MoveTableForm(bi.List(x => x.IsActive), allowMerge)) { frm.ShowDialog(); if (frm.Selection != null) return frm.Selection; } return null; } } internal void MoveKot(BillItemKey currentKot) { if (_voucher.VoucherID == Guid.Empty || IsPrintedOrVoid(_voucher)) return; var kot = currentKot; if (kot == null) return; var table = GetTableForMove(true); if (table == null) return; if (table.FoodTableID == _voucher.Table.FoodTableID) return; if (table.VoucherID != null) if (IsPrintedOrVoid(table.VoucherID.Value)) return; var kotCount = _bill.Keys.Count(x => x.BillItemType == BillItemType.Kot && x.KotID != Guid.Empty); var voucherID = Guid.Empty; if (table.VoucherID == null && kotCount > 1) //Move Kot voucherID = MoveKot(kot, table); else if (table.VoucherID != null && kotCount > 1) //Merge Kot voucherID = MergeKot(kot, table); else if (table.VoucherID == null && kotCount == 1) //Move Table voucherID = MoveTable(table.FoodTableID); else if (table.VoucherID != null && kotCount == 1) //Merge Table voucherID = MergeTable(table); if (voucherID != Guid.Empty) { LoadBill(voucherID); } } internal void MoveTable() { if (_voucher.VoucherID == Guid.Empty) return; var allowMerge = !IsPrintedOrVoid(_voucher); var table = GetTableForMove(allowMerge); if (table == null) return; if (table.FoodTableID == _voucher.Table.FoodTableID) return; if (table.VoucherID.HasValue) if (IsPrintedOrVoid(table.VoucherID.Value)) return; LoadBill(table.VoucherID.HasValue ? MergeTable(table) : MoveTable(table.FoodTableID)); } private Guid MoveKot(BillItemKey kot, FoodTable table) { if (!Session.IsAllowed("Move Kot to New Table")) return Guid.Empty; using (var bi = new VoucherBI()) { var newVoucherID = bi.MoveKot(kot.KotID, table.FoodTableID); bi.UpdateTable(x => x.FoodTableID == table.FoodTableID && x.VoucherID == null, newVoucherID, "running"); bi.SaveChanges(); return newVoucherID; } } private static Guid MergeKot(BillItemKey kot, FoodTable table) { if (!Session.IsAllowed("Merge Kots")) return Guid.Empty; using (var bi = new VoucherBI()) { var newVoucherID = bi.MergeKot(kot.KotID, table.Name); bi.SaveChanges(); return newVoucherID; } } private Guid MoveTable(Guid tableID) { if (!Session.IsAllowed("Move Table")) return Guid.Empty; using (var bi = new VoucherBI()) { bi.MoveTable(_voucher.VoucherID, tableID); bi.UpdateTable(x => x.FoodTableID == tableID && x.VoucherID == null, _voucher.VoucherID, _voucher.Table.Status); bi.UpdateTable(x => x.FoodTableID == _voucher.Table.FoodTableID && x.VoucherID == _voucher.VoucherID, null, null); bi.SaveChanges(); return _voucher.VoucherID; } } private Guid MergeTable(FoodTable table) { if (!Session.IsAllowed("Merge Tables")) return Guid.Empty; using (var bi = new VoucherBI()) { var newVoucherID = bi.MergeTables(_voucher.VoucherID, table.Name); bi.UpdateTable(x => x.FoodTableID == _voucher.Table.FoodTableID && x.VoucherID == _voucher.VoucherID, null, null); bi.SaveChanges(); return newVoucherID; } } #endregion #region Save public bool SaveAndPrintKot() { #region Check if Allowed if (!Session.IsAllowed("Print Kot") || _bill.Count(x => x.Key.BillItemType != BillItemType.Kot) == 0) return false; bool isPrinted = false, isVoid = false; if (_voucher.VoucherID != Guid.Empty) using (var bi = new VoucherBI()) { var dbVoucher = bi.Get(x => x.VoucherID == _voucher.VoucherID); isPrinted = dbVoucher.Printed; isVoid = dbVoucher.Void; } if (isVoid) { MessageBox.Show(string.Format("This Bill is already void.\nReason: {0}", _voucher.VoidReason), "Bill already Voided", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return false; } if (isPrinted) { MessageBox.Show(string.Format("This Bill is already printed and a kot cannot be added", _voucher.VoidReason), "Bill already Printed", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return false; } if (_voucher.VoucherID != Guid.Empty && IsPrintedOrVoid(_voucher)) return false; #endregion //Save var saved = _voucher.VoucherID == Guid.Empty ? InsertVoucher(false, !_editVoucherID.HasValue) : UpdateVoucher(false, !_editVoucherID.HasValue); //Print if (!_editVoucherID.HasValue && saved.HasValue) Thermal.PrintKot(_voucher.VoucherID, saved.Value); //Cleanup ClearBill(); return true; } public bool CanSaveBill(bool isPrinted, bool isVoid) { if (!Session.IsAllowed("Print Bill") || _bill.Count(x => x.Key.BillItemType != BillItemType.Kot) == 0) return false; if (isVoid) { MessageBox.Show(string.Format("This Bill is already void.\nReason: {0}", _voucher.VoidReason), "Bill already Voided", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return false; } if (isPrinted && !Session.IsAllowed("Edit Printed Bill")) return false; return true; } public bool SaveAndPrintBill(bool isPrinted, decimal amount) { if (isPrinted) { SaveReprintOrDiscountBill(amount); } else { // Ask for VoucherType only for new bill, if none, then cancel using (var frm = new VoucherTypeForm()) { frm.ShowDialog(); if (!frm.Selection.HasValue) return false; _voucher.VoucherType = frm.Selection.Value; } if (_voucher.VoucherID == Guid.Empty) InsertVoucher(true, !_editVoucherID.HasValue); else UpdateVoucher(true, !_editVoucherID.HasValue); } Thermal.PrintBill(_voucher.VoucherID); ClearBill(); return true; } public void SplitBill() { bool isPrinted = false; #region Permissions if (!Session.IsAllowed("Split Bill")) return; if (_voucher.VoucherID == Guid.Empty) return; // must be existing non void bill using (var bi = new VoucherBI()) { var dbVoucher = bi.Get(x => x.VoucherID == _voucher.VoucherID); if (dbVoucher.Void) { MessageBox.Show(string.Format("This Bill is already void.\nReason: {0}", _voucher.VoidReason), "Bill already Voided", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return;// must be a non void bill } if (dbVoucher.Printed && !Session.IsAllowed("Edit Printed Bill")) { MessageBox.Show("This Bill is already Printed.\nYou do not have the authority to alter it", "Bill already Printed", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return;// not allowed to edit printed bill } isPrinted = dbVoucher.Printed; } #endregion #region Get Move List HashSet splitList = null; using (var bi = new ProductGroupBI()) { using (var frm = new DiscountForm(bi.GetProductGroupTypes())) if (frm.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) frm.Selection(out splitList); } if (splitList == null || splitList.Count == 0) return; var listFirst = _bill.Where(x => x.Key.BillItemType != BillItemType.Kot && x.Key.KotID != Guid.Empty && splitList.Contains(x.Value.inventory.Product.ProductGroup.GroupType)); var listSecond = _bill.Where(x => x.Key.BillItemType != BillItemType.Kot && x.Key.KotID != Guid.Empty && !splitList.Contains(x.Value.inventory.Product.ProductGroup.GroupType)); if (listFirst.Count() == 0 || listSecond.Count() == 0) return; // all or none items selected to be moved #endregion var table = GetTableForMove(false); if (table == null) return; #region new voucherFirst var voucherFirst = new Voucher(Session.User, _voucher.Customer) { Table = table, Printed = isPrinted, Void = false, Narration = "", VoucherType = _voucher.VoucherType }; var kotFirst = GetKot(listFirst); if (kotFirst != null) voucherFirst.Kots.Add(kotFirst); #endregion #region new voucherSecond var voucherSecond = new Voucher(Session.User, _voucher.Customer) { Table = _voucher.Table, Printed = isPrinted, Void = false, Narration = "", VoucherType = _voucher.VoucherType }; var kotSecond = GetKot(listSecond); if (kotSecond != null) voucherSecond.Kots.Add(kotSecond); #endregion using (var bi = new VoucherBI()) { bi.SplitBill(_voucher.VoucherID, voucherFirst, voucherSecond); var status = _voucher.Printed ? "printed" : "running"; bi.UpdateTable(x => x.FoodTableID == voucherFirst.Table.FoodTableID && x.VoucherID == null, voucherFirst.VoucherID, status); bi.UpdateTable(x => x.FoodTableID == voucherSecond.Table.FoodTableID && x.VoucherID == _voucher.VoucherID, voucherSecond.VoucherID, status); bi.SaveChanges(); } if (isPrinted) { Thermal.PrintBill(voucherFirst.VoucherID); Thermal.PrintBill(voucherSecond.VoucherID); } LoadBill(voucherFirst.VoucherID); } public bool VoidBill() { #region Check conditions and Permissions if (_voucher.VoucherID == Guid.Empty || _voucher.Void || !Session.IsAllowed("Void Bill")) return false; if (MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you want to void this bill?", "Void Bill", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button2) != DialogResult.Yes) return false; #endregion var reasons = new string[] { "Discount", "Printing Fault", "Item Changed", "Quantity Reduced", "Costing Bill for Party", "Cashier Mistake", "Management Freesale", "Other" }; using (var voidReason = new VoidReasonListForm(reasons)) { voidReason.ShowDialog(); if (voidReason.SelectedItem == null) { MessageBox.Show("Please Select a reason if you want to void the bill", "Bill NOT Voided", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk); return false; } using (var bi = new VoucherBI()) { bi.VoidBill(_voucher.VoucherID, voidReason.SelectedItem); if (!_editVoucherID.HasValue) bi.UpdateTable(x => x.FoodTableID == _voucher.Table.FoodTableID && x.VoucherID == _voucher.VoucherID, null, null); bi.SaveChanges(); } } ClearBill(); return true; } private void SaveReprintOrDiscountBill(decimal oldAmount) { var amountChanged = oldAmount != _bill.Where(x => x.Key.BillItemType != BillItemType.Kot && x.Key.KotID != Guid.Empty).Sum(x => x.Value.inventory.Net); var itemsChanged = _bill.Where(x => x.Key.BillItemType != BillItemType.Kot && x.Key.KotID == Guid.Empty).Count() != 0; if (amountChanged || itemsChanged) // Discount or Products changed { #region new voucherFirst var newVoucher = new Voucher(Session.User, _voucher.Customer) { Table = _voucher.Table, Printed = true, Void = false, Narration = "", VoucherType = _voucher.VoucherType }; var kotNew = GetKot(_bill.Where(x => x.Key.BillItemType != BillItemType.Kot)); if (kotNew != null) newVoucher.Kots.Add(kotNew); #endregion using (var bi = new VoucherBI()) { bi.DiscountPrintedBill(_voucher.VoucherID, newVoucher); bi.UpdateTable(x => x.FoodTableID == _voucher.Table.FoodTableID && (x.VoucherID == _voucher.VoucherID || x.VoucherID == null), newVoucher.VoucherID, "printed"); bi.SaveChanges(); } _editVoucherID = null; LoadBill(newVoucher.VoucherID); } else { using (var bi = new ReprintBI()) { bi.Insert(new Reprint() { User = Session.User, Voucher = _voucher }); bi.SaveChanges(); } } } private Guid? InsertVoucher(bool finalBill, bool updateTable) { _voucher.Printed = finalBill; _voucher.Void = false; _voucher.Narration = ""; var kot = GetKot(_bill.Where(x => x.Key.KotID == Guid.Empty)); if (kot == null) return null; _voucher.Kots.Add(kot); using (var bi = new VoucherBI()) { var kotID = bi.Insert(_voucher); if (updateTable) { var status = !_voucher.Printed ? "running" : "printed"; bi.UpdateTable(x => x.FoodTableID == _voucher.Table.FoodTableID && x.VoucherID == null, _voucher.VoucherID, status); } bi.SaveChanges(); return kotID; } } private Guid? UpdateVoucher(bool finalBill, bool updateTable) { using (var bi = new VoucherBI()) { var voucher = bi.Get(x => x.VoucherID == _voucher.VoucherID); voucher.User = Session.User; voucher.Customer = _voucher.Customer; voucher.Printed = finalBill; voucher.VoucherType = _voucher.VoucherType; foreach (var item in _bill.Where(x => x.Key.BillItemType != BillItemType.Kot && x.Key.KotID != Guid.Empty)) { var i = voucher.Kots.Single(x => x.KotID == item.Key.KotID).Inventories.Single(x => x.Product.ProductID == item.Key.ProductID && x.IsHappyHour == item.Value.inventory.IsHappyHour); i.Discount = item.Value.inventory.Discount; i.Price = item.Value.inventory.Price; } if (!_voucher.Printed) { var kot = GetKot(_bill.Where(x => x.Key.KotID == Guid.Empty)); if (kot != null) voucher.Kots.Add(kot); } var kotID = bi.Update(voucher); if (updateTable) { var status = !voucher.Printed ? "running" : "printed"; bi.UpdateTable(x => x.FoodTableID == _voucher.Table.FoodTableID && x.VoucherID == _voucher.VoucherID, _voucher.VoucherID, status); } bi.SaveChanges(); return kotID; } } private static Kot GetKot(IEnumerable> list) { var kot = new Kot(); foreach (var item in list) { if (item.Key.BillItemType == BillItemType.Kot) continue; if (item.Value.inventory.Quantity == 0) continue; var happyHour = item.Key.BillItemType == BillItemType.HappyHourProduct; var productID = item.Key.ProductID; var oldInv = kot.Inventories.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Product.ProductID == productID && x.IsHappyHour == happyHour); if (oldInv != null) { oldInv.Quantity += item.Value.inventory.Quantity; if (oldInv.Quantity == 0) kot.Inventories.Remove(oldInv); } else { var inv = new Inventory { Product = item.Value.inventory.Product, Quantity = item.Value.inventory.Quantity, Price = item.Value.inventory.Price, IsHappyHour = item.Value.inventory.IsHappyHour, Discount = item.Value.inventory.Discount, ServiceCharge = item.Value.inventory.ServiceCharge, IsScTaxable = item.Value.inventory.IsScTaxable, ServiceTaxRate = item.Value.inventory.ServiceTaxRate, VatRate = item.Value.inventory.VatRate, ServiceTax = item.Value.inventory.ServiceTax, Vat = item.Value.inventory.Vat }; foreach (var mod in item.Value.inventory.InventoryModifier) inv.InventoryModifier.Add(new InventoryModifier { Modifier = mod.Modifier }); kot.Inventories.Add(inv); } } return kot.Inventories.Count == 0 ? null : kot; } #endregion #region InputBox private bool GetInput(string prompt, ref decimal amount) { var result = InputBox.Show(prompt, amount.ToString(), InputBox_Validating); if (!result.OK) return false; return decimal.TryParse(result.Text, out amount); } private bool GetInput(string prompt, ref string info) { var result = InputBox.Show(prompt, info, InputBox_Validating); if (!result.OK) return false; info = result.Text.Trim(); return !string.IsNullOrEmpty(info); } #endregion } }