using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using Tanshu.Accounts.Entities; using Tanshu.Accounts.Entities.Auth; using NHibernate.Criterion; using Tanshu.Accounts.Contracts; using Tanshu.Common.Helpers; namespace Tanshu.Accounts.Repository { public class CheckoutBI { #region Properties public decimal Opening { get; private set; } public decimal Receipts { get; private set; } public decimal AdvanceReceipts { get; private set; } public decimal CcReceipts { get; private set; } public decimal NcReceipts { get; private set; } public decimal BtcReceipts { get; private set; } public decimal AdvanceAdjusted { get; private set; } public decimal CashPayments { get; private set; } public decimal AdditionalVoids { get; private set; } public decimal VoidsInSystem { get; private set; } public decimal Discount { get; private set; } public decimal PendingBills { get; private set; } public decimal CashReceipts { get; private set; } public decimal ClosingBalance { get; private set; } public decimal RetainedOvernight { get; private set; } public decimal CashDeposited { get; private set; } // public decimal Excess { get; private set; } // public string Status { get; private set; } // public string Cashiers { get; private set; } // public User Cashier { get; private set; } public decimal OldPending { get; private set; } public decimal OldReceipts { get; private set; } public decimal OldVoided { get; private set; } public DateTime StartDate { get; private set; } public DateTime FinishDate { get; private set; } public string PendingString { get; private set; } public string CcString { get; private set; } public string NcString { get; private set; } public string BtcString { get; private set; } public string VoidsString { get; private set; } public string DiscountString { get; private set; } public string PaymentString { get; private set; } public string Manager { get { return Session.User.Name; } } #endregion public CheckoutBI(int cashier, DateTime startDate, DateTime finishDate) { using (var session = SessionManager.Session) { this.Cashier = UserBI.GetUser(cashier); this.StartDate = startDate.Date.AddHours(6); this.FinishDate = finishDate.Date.AddDays(1).AddHours(5); string info; PendingBills = GetPrintInfo(out info,SettleOption.Unsettled); PendingString = info; CcReceipts = GetPrintInfo(out info,SettleOption.CreditCard); CcString = info; NcReceipts = GetPrintInfo(out info, SettleOption.CreditCard); NcString = info; BtcReceipts = GetPrintInfo(out info, SettleOption.BillToCompany); BtcString = info; VoidsInSystem = GetVoids(out info); VoidsString = info; // Opening = dao.GetOpenings(); // Receipts = GetReceipts(); PaymentString = ""; // CashPayments = dao.GetPayments(); // AdditionalVoids = dao.GetAdditionalVoids(); // RetainedOvernight = dao.GetRetainedOvernight(); AdvanceReceipts = GetAdvancesReceived(); AdvanceAdjusted = GetAdvancesAdjusted(); // PaymentString = dao.GetPaymentString(); // OldPending = dao.GetOldPending(); // OldReceipts = dao.GetOldReceipts(); // OldVoided = dao.GetOldVoided(); Cashiers = GetActiveCashiers(); CashReceipts = GetPrintInfo(out info, SettleOption.Cash); Discount = GetDiscountBills(.1M, out info); DiscountString = info; ClosingBalance = Opening + Receipts + AdvanceReceipts - CashPayments - AdditionalVoids + CashReceipts; } } #region Advances private decimal GetAdvancesAdjusted() { using (var session = SessionManager.Session) { var amt = session.QueryOver() .Where(i => i.DateOut >= StartDate && i.DateOut <= FinishDate && i.CashierOut == Cashier) .SelectList(k => k.SelectSum(j => j.Amount)) .SingleOrDefault(); return amt; } } private decimal GetAdvancesReceived() { using (var session = SessionManager.Session) { var amt = session.QueryOver() .Where(i => i.DateIn >= StartDate && i.DateIn <= FinishDate && i.CashierIn == Cashier) .SelectList(k => k.SelectSum(j => j.Amount)) .SingleOrDefault(); return amt; } } #endregion public void Calculate(decimal cashDeposited, decimal retainedOvernight) { this.CashDeposited = cashDeposited; this.RetainedOvernight = retainedOvernight; Excess = CashDeposited - ClosingBalance; Status = string.Format("{0:Extra Cash Rs #,##0.00; Cash Short Rs #,##0.00;Cash Perfect}", Excess); } private decimal GetPrintInfo(out string info, SettleOption settleOption) { using (var session = SessionManager.Session) { Voucher voucher = null; decimal amount; decimal discount; info = string.Format("\n\r--- {0} ", settleOption.Display()).PadRight(44,'-'); var list = session.QueryOver(() => voucher) .Where(i => i.LastEditDate >= StartDate && i.LastEditDate <= FinishDate && i.User == Cashier && i.Void == false) .WithSubquery.WhereExists(QueryOver.Of().Where(x => x.Voucher.VoucherID == voucher.VoucherID && x.Settled == settleOption).Select(x => x.Voucher)) .List(); GetInfo(list, SettleOption.Unsettled, out amount, out discount, ref info); return amount; } } //private decimal GetPending(out string info) //{ // using (var session = SessionManager.Session) // { // Voucher voucher = null; // decimal amount; // decimal discount; // info = "\n\r--- Pending Bills ------------------------"; // var list = session.QueryOver(() => voucher) // .Where(i => i.LastEditDate >= StartDate && // i.LastEditDate <= FinishDate && // i.User == Cashier && // i.Void == false) // .WithSubquery.WhereExists(QueryOver.Of().Where(x => x.Voucher.VoucherID == voucher.VoucherID && x.Settled == SettleOption.Unsettled).Select(x => x.Voucher)) // .List(); // GetInfo(list, SettleOption.Unsettled, out amount, out discount, ref info); // return amount; // } //} //private decimal GetNoCharge(out string info) //{ // using (var session = SessionManager.Session) // { // Voucher voucher = null; // decimal amount; // decimal discount; // info = "\n\r--- No Charge ----------------------------"; // var list = session.QueryOver(() => voucher) // .Where(i => i.LastEditDate >= StartDate && // i.LastEditDate <= FinishDate && // i.User == Cashier && // i.Void == false) // .WithSubquery.WhereExists(QueryOver.Of().Where(x => x.Voucher.VoucherID == voucher.VoucherID && x.Settled == SettleOption.NoCharge).Select(x => x.Voucher)) // .List(); // GetInfo(list, SettleOption.NoCharge, out amount, out discount, ref info); // return amount; // } //} //private decimal GetCashReceipts(out string info) //{ // using (var session = SessionManager.Session) // { // Voucher voucher = null; // decimal amount; // decimal discount; // info = "\n\r--- Cash Settlement ----------------------"; // var list = session.QueryOver(() => voucher) // .Where(i => i.LastEditDate >= StartDate && // i.LastEditDate <= FinishDate && // i.User == Cashier && // i.Void == false) // .WithSubquery.WhereExists(QueryOver.Of().Where(x => x.Voucher.VoucherID == voucher.VoucherID && x.Settled == SettleOption.Cash).Select(x => x.Voucher)) // .List(); // GetInfo(list, SettleOption.Cash, out amount, out discount, ref info); // return amount; // } //} //private decimal GetBillToCompany(out string info) //{ // using (var session = SessionManager.Session) // { // Voucher voucher = null; // decimal amount; // decimal discount; // info = "\n\r--- Bill To Company ----------------------"; // var list = session.QueryOver(() => voucher) // .Where(i => i.LastEditDate >= StartDate && // i.LastEditDate <= FinishDate && // i.User == Cashier && // i.Void == false) // .WithSubquery.WhereExists(QueryOver.Of().Where(x => x.Voucher.VoucherID == voucher.VoucherID && x.Settled == SettleOption.BillToCompany).Select(x => x.Voucher)) // .List(); // GetInfo(list, SettleOption.BillToCompany, out amount, out discount, ref info); // return amount; // } //} //private decimal GetCreditCard(out string info) //{ // using (var session = SessionManager.Session) // { // Voucher voucher = null; // decimal amount; // decimal discount; // info = "\n\r--- Credit Card Bills --------------------"; // var list = session.QueryOver(() => voucher) // .Where(i => i.LastEditDate >= StartDate && // i.LastEditDate <= FinishDate && // i.User == Cashier && // i.Void == false) // .WithSubquery.WhereExists(QueryOver.Of().Where(x => x.Voucher.VoucherID == voucher.VoucherID && x.Settled == SettleOption.CreditCard).Select(x => x.Voucher)) // .List(); // GetInfo(list, SettleOption.CreditCard, out amount, out discount, ref info); // return amount; // } //} private decimal GetVoids(out string info) { using (var session = SessionManager.Session) { decimal amount; decimal discount; info = "\n\r--- Void Bills ---------------------------"; var list = (from i in session.QueryOver() where i.LastEditDate >= StartDate && i.LastEditDate <= FinishDate && i.User == Cashier && i.Void == true select i).List(); GetInfo(list, out amount, out discount, ref info); return amount; } } private decimal GetDiscountBills(decimal disount, out string info) { using (var session = SessionManager.Session) { decimal amount; decimal discount; info = "\n\r--- High Discount Bills ------------------"; const string query = @" select distinct(v) from Voucher v inner join v.Kots k inner join k.Inventories i where v.Date >= :startDate and v.Date <= :finishDate and v.User = :cashierID and v.Void = false and exists (select Voucher from VoucherSettlement vs where vs.Voucher = v and vs.Settled != :noCharge and vs.Settled != :unSettled and vs.Settled != :amount and vs.Settled != :roundoff) and i.Discount >= :discount"; var list = session.CreateQuery(query) .SetParameter("startDate", StartDate) .SetParameter("finishDate", FinishDate) .SetParameter("cashierID", Cashier.UserID) .SetParameter("unSettled", SettleOption.Unsettled) .SetParameter("noCharge", SettleOption.NoCharge) .SetParameter("amount", SettleOption.Amount) .SetParameter("roundoff", SettleOption.RoundOff) .SetParameter("discount", disount) .List(); GetInfo(list, out amount, out discount, ref info); return discount; } } private static void GetInfo(ICollection list, out decimal amount, out decimal discount, ref string info) { amount = 0; discount = 0; if (list.Count == 0) { info = string.Empty; return; } foreach (var item in list) { var amt = item.Settlements.Where(x => x.Settled == SettleOption.Amount).Sum(x => x.Amount) * -1; var disc = item.Kots.Sum(x => x.Inventories.Sum(y => y.Quantity * y.Rate * y.Discount)); info += string.Format("\n\r{0:dd-MMM-yyyy HH:mm:ss} {1} {2}", item.Date, item.BillID, item.Customer.Name); info += string.Format("\n\rAmount: {0:#0.00} :: Discount: {1:#0.00}", amt, disc); info += "\n\r------------------------------------------"; amount += amt; discount += disc; } } private static void GetInfo(ICollection list, SettleOption settleOption, out decimal amount, out decimal discount, ref string info) { amount = 0; discount = 0; if (list.Count == 0) { info = string.Empty; return; } foreach (var item in list) { var amt = item.Settlements.Where(x => x.Settled == settleOption).Sum(x => x.Amount); var disc = item.Kots.Sum(x => x.Inventories.Sum(y => y.Quantity * y.Rate * y.Discount)); info += string.Format("\n\r{0:dd-MMM-yyyy HH:mm:ss} {1} {2}", item.Date, item.BillID, item.Customer.Name); info += string.Format("\n\rAmount: {0:#0.00} :: Discount: {1:#0.00}", amt, disc); info += "\n\r------------------------------------------"; amount += amt; discount += disc; } } private string GetActiveCashiers() { var cashiers = ""; using (var session = SessionManager.Session) { const string query = @" select distinct(u.Name) from Voucher v inner join v.User u where v.Date >= :startDate and v.Date <= :finishDate"; var list = session.CreateQuery(query) .SetParameter("startDate", StartDate) .SetParameter("finishDate", FinishDate) .List(); foreach (var item in list) cashiers += item + ", "; return cashiers; } } } }