
172 lines
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Raw Normal View History

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using NHibernate;
using Tanshu.Accounts.Contracts;
using Tanshu.Accounts.Entities;
using Tanshu.Data.DAO;
namespace Tanshu.Accounts.Repository
public class ManagementBI : FluentBasicBase
public ManagementBI()
: base()
{ }
public ManagementBI(bool beginTransaction)
: base(beginTransaction)
{ }
public ManagementBI(ISession session)
: base(session)
{ }
public ManagementBI(ISession session, bool beginTransaction)
: base(session, beginTransaction)
{ }
public decimal GetQuantity(int baseCode, DateTime startDate, DateTime finishDate)
const string query = @"
select sum(i.Quantity * p.Quantity) as Quantity
from Voucher v
inner join v.Kots k
inner join k.Inventories i
inner join i.Product p
where v.Date >= :startDate and v.Date <= :finishDate and v.Void = false and p.BaseCode = :baseCode
var qty = Session
.SetParameter("startDate", startDate)
.SetParameter("finishDate", finishDate)
.SetParameter("baseCode", baseCode)
return qty == null ? 0 : (decimal)qty;
public decimal SetQuantity(int baseCode, decimal quantity, DateTime startDate, DateTime finishDate)
var list = Randomize(new VoucherBI().List(x => x.Date >= startDate && x.Date <= finishDate && x.Void == false));
var current = GetQuantity(baseCode, startDate, finishDate);
foreach (var item in list)
if (current <= quantity)
foreach (var kot in item.Kots)
if (current <= quantity)
foreach (var inventory in kot.Inventories)
if (current <= quantity)
if (inventory.Product.BaseCode == baseCode)
using (var bi = new InventoryBI())
if (inventory.Quantity * inventory.Product.Quantity > current - quantity)
current = quantity;
inventory.Quantity = (current - quantity) / inventory.Product.Quantity;
var i = bi.Get(x => x.InventoryID == inventory.InventoryID);
i.Quantity = current - quantity;
current -= inventory.Quantity * inventory.Product.Quantity;
bi.Delete(x => x.InventoryID == inventory.InventoryID);
return GetQuantity(baseCode, startDate, finishDate);
// public decimal GetBalance(decimal? tax, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate)
// {
// GetFactory factory = GetFactory.GetDAOFactory(Database.GetFactoryType);
// using (IConnectionDAO connection = factory.Connection)
// {
// using (IManagementDAO dao = factory.GetManagementDAO(startDate, endDate, connection))
// {
// return dao.GetBalance(tax);
// }
// }
// }
// public List<Guid> GetUpdateBillList(decimal tax, bool voided, bool paid, bool creditCard, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate)
// {
// GetFactory factory = GetFactory.GetDAOFactory(Database.GetFactoryType);
// using (IConnectionDAO connection = factory.Connection)
// {
// using (IManagementDAO dao = factory.GetManagementDAO(startDate, endDate, connection))
// {
// return dao.GetUpdateBillList(tax, voided, paid, creditCard);
// }
// }
// }
// public decimal Update(Guid voucherID, decimal tax, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate)
// {
// GetFactory factory = GetFactory.GetDAOFactory(Database.GetFactoryType);
// using (IConnectionDAO connection = factory.Connection)
// {
// using (IManagementDAO dao = factory.GetManagementDAO(startDate, endDate, connection))
// {
// return dao.Update(voucherID, tax);
// }
// }
// }
// public void Reorder(DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate, ShowProgessDelegate showProgressDelegate)
// {
// GetFactory factory = GetFactory.GetDAOFactory(Database.GetFactoryType);
// using (IConnectionDAO connection = factory.Connection)
// {
// using (IManagementDAO dao = factory.GetManagementDAO(startDate, endDate, connection))
// {
// dao.Reorder(showProgressDelegate);
// }
// }
// }
// public bool MergeData(DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate, string sourceDB, string targetDB)
// {
// GetFactory factory = GetFactory.GetDAOFactory(Database.GetFactoryType);
// using (IConnectionDAO connection = factory.Connection)
// {
// using (IManagementDAO dao = factory.GetManagementDAO(startDate, endDate, connection))
// {
// return dao.MergeData(sourceDB, targetDB);
// }
// }
// }
// public List<PendingBills> GetPaidBills(DateTime startDate, DateTime finishDate)
// {
// GetFactory factory = GetFactory.GetDAOFactory(Database.GetFactoryType);
// using (IConnectionDAO connection = factory.Connection)
// {
// using (IManagementDAO dao = factory.GetManagementDAO(startDate, finishDate, connection))
// {
// return dao.GetPaidBills();
// }
// }
// }
private static IList<T> Randomize<T>(IEnumerable<T> list)
var tList = list.ToArray();
var rand = new Random();
for (var i = tList.Length - 1; i > 0; i--)
var swapIndex = rand.Next(i + 1);
var tmp = tList[i];
tList[i] = tList[swapIndex];
tList[swapIndex] = tmp;
return tList.ToList();