--- title: 'Home Automation' --- # Step 1. - Switches & Firmware Sonoff Basic [On Amazon Rs. 650](https://www.amazon.in/gp/product/B06WWNBD3Y/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o03_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1) [ESPEasy](https://github.com/letscontrolit/ESPEasy/releases) # Step 2. - Load ESP Easy firmware on it [A good blog](https://randomnerdtutorials.com/sonoff-basic-switch-esp-easy-firmware-node-red/) The firware is ```ESP_Easy_mega-20190630_normal_ESP8266_1M``` The pin connection is easy. Add the header to the pin out from the I2C programming board and connect the RX -> TX and TX -> RX. 3.3v. Just unplug the 3.3v line and press the reset button while connecting it to go into programming mode and then flash using the flasher which is downloaded with the firmware # Step 3. - Configure the firmware for Sonoff Under "Hardware": Wifi Status LED -> GPIO-13 (D7) Inversed LED -> Checked Under "Devices": Edit Task 1 `Device:` is `Switch input - Switch` `Name` is `Doesn't Matter` `Enabled` is `Checked` `GPIO` is `GPIO-12 (D6)` `Switch Type` is `Switch` `Switch Button Type` is `Normal Switch` # Step 4. - Test `Off` = `http://${IP_ADDRESS}/control?cmd=GPIO,12,0` `On` = `http://${IP_ADDRESS}/control?cmd=GPIO,12,0`