Recipe: Recipe list and Add / Delete recipe created. Breaking: Major updates to old databases needed as structure has changed significantly Product table is not a inherited table similar to ledger table table prefixes for entities removed renamed a few tables removed file types not used from the manifest README.txt now contains the installation procedure on an Ubuntu 14.04 machine Product.ShowForPurchase column removed Product.Discountinued renamed to !Product.IsActive
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from pyramid.security import Everyone
from pyramid.security import Authenticated
from pyramid.security import Allow
from brewman.models.auth import Role
class RootFactory(object):
def __acl__(self):
acl = [
(Allow, Everyone, 'view'),
(Allow, Authenticated, 'Authenticated')]
for permission in Role.list():
acl.append((Allow, permission.name, permission.name))
return acl
def __init__(self, request):
def pluralize(word, num=None):
if num is None or num != 1:
if word.endswith('y'):
return word[:-1] + 'ies'
elif word[-1] in 'sx' or word[-2:] in ['sh', 'ch']:
return word + 'es'
elif word.endswith('an'):
return word[:-2] + 'en'
return word + 's'
return word
def add_route(config, name, url, has_list=True, variable='id'):
config.add_route(name + '_' + variable, url + '/{' + variable + '}')
config.add_route(name, url)
if has_list:
config.add_route(name + '_list', pluralize(url))
config.add_route('api_' + name + '_' + variable, '/api' + url + '/{' + variable + '}')
config.add_route('api_' + name, '/api' + url)