import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core'; import { FormBuilder, FormGroup } from '@angular/forms'; import { MatAutocompleteSelectedEvent } from '@angular/material/autocomplete'; import { MatDialog } from '@angular/material/dialog'; import { ActivatedRoute, Router } from '@angular/router'; import * as moment from 'moment'; import { Observable, of as observableOf } from 'rxjs'; import { debounceTime, distinctUntilChanged, map, startWith, switchMap } from 'rxjs/operators'; import { environment } from '../../environments/environment'; import { AuthService } from '../auth/auth.service'; import { Product } from '../core/product'; import { ToasterService } from '../core/toaster.service'; import { ProductService } from '../product/product.service'; import { ConfirmDialogComponent } from '../shared/confirm-dialog/confirm-dialog.component'; import { SettingsService } from './settings.service'; @Component({ selector: 'app-settings', templateUrl: './settings.component.html', styleUrls: ['./settings.component.css'], }) export class SettingsComponent implements OnInit { lockDatesForm: FormGroup; lockInformation: any; rebaseDataForm: FormGroup; resetStockForm: FormGroup; product: Product; products: Observable; maintenance: any; version: string; constructor( private route: ActivatedRoute, private router: Router, private fb: FormBuilder, private dialog: MatDialog, private toaster: ToasterService, public auth: AuthService, private ser: SettingsService, private productSer: ProductService, ) { this.createForm(); this.listenToLockForm(); this.lockInformation = { lockOlder: false, olderRolling: false, lockNewer: false, newerRolling: false, }; this.listenToProductChanges(); this.maintenance = { enabled: false, user: '' }; this.version = environment.version; } ngOnInit() { { maintenance: any; lockInformation: any }) => { this.maintenance = data.maintenance; this.lockInformation = data.lockInformation; this.lockDatesForm.patchValue({ lockOlder: this.lockInformation.lockOlder, olderRolling: this.lockInformation.olderRolling, olderDate: this.lockInformation.olderDate, olderDays: this.lockInformation.olderDays, lockNewer: this.lockInformation.lockNewer, newerRolling: this.lockInformation.newerRolling, newerDate: this.lockInformation.newerDate, newerDays: this.lockInformation.newerDays, }); }); } createForm() { const startDate = moment().date(1); const finishDate = moment().date(startDate.daysInMonth()); this.lockDatesForm ={ lockOlder: null, olderRolling: null, olderDate: startDate, olderDays: 0, lockNewer: null, newerRolling: null, newerDate: finishDate, newerDays: 0, }); this.rebaseDataForm ={ date: moment(), }); this.resetStockForm ={ resetDate: moment(), stockDate: moment(), product: null, quantity: 0, }); } listenToLockForm() { this.lockDatesForm.get('lockOlder').valueChanges.subscribe((x) => { this.lockInformation.lockOlder = x; }); this.lockDatesForm.get('lockNewer').valueChanges.subscribe((x) => { this.lockInformation.lockNewer = x; }); this.lockDatesForm.get('olderRolling').valueChanges.subscribe((x) => { this.lockInformation.olderRolling = x; }); this.lockDatesForm.get('newerRolling').valueChanges.subscribe((x) => { this.lockInformation.newerRolling = x; }); } clearLockDates() { this.ser.deleteLockInformation().subscribe((x) => { this.lockInformation = x; }); } setLockDates() { if (this.lockInformation.lockOlder && this.lockInformation.olderRolling) { this.lockInformation.olderDays = +this.lockDatesForm.get('olderDays').value; } if (this.lockInformation.lockOlder && !this.lockInformation.olderRolling) { this.lockInformation.olderDate = moment(this.lockDatesForm.get('olderDate').value).format( 'DD-MMM-YYYY', ); } if (this.lockInformation.lockNewer && this.lockInformation.newerRolling) { this.lockInformation.newerDays = +this.lockDatesForm.get('newerDays').value; } if (this.lockInformation.lockOlder && !this.lockInformation.newerRolling) { this.lockInformation.newerDate = moment(this.lockDatesForm.get('newerDate').value).format( 'DD-MMM-YYYY', ); } this.ser.setLockInformation(this.lockInformation).subscribe( (result) => { this.lockInformation = result;'Success', 'Lock information Updated'); }, (error) => {'Danger', error); }, ); } confirmRebase(): void { const rebaseDate = moment(this.rebaseDataForm.get('date').value).format('DD-MMM-YYYY'); const dialogRef =, { width: '250px', data: { title: 'Rebase the database?', content: `Are you sure you want to rebase the database as on ${rebaseDate}? This action is destructive and cannot be undone.`, }, }); dialogRef.afterClosed().subscribe((result: boolean) => { if (result) { this.rebaseData(rebaseDate); } }); } rebaseData(rebaseDate: string) { this.ser.rebaseDatabase(rebaseDate).subscribe( (result) => { this.lockInformation = result;'Success', 'Data has been rebased!'); }, (error) => {'Danger', error); }, ); } listenToProductChanges() { this.products = this.resetStockForm.get('product').valueChanges.pipe( startWith(''), map((x) => (x !== null && x.length >= 1 ? x : null)), debounceTime(150), distinctUntilChanged(), switchMap((x) => (x === null ? observableOf([]) : this.productSer.autocomplete(x))), ); } displayFn(product?: Product): string | undefined { return product ? : undefined; } selectedProduct(event: MatAutocompleteSelectedEvent): void { this.product = event.option.value; } confirmResetStock(): void { const resetDate = moment(this.resetStockForm.get('resetDate').value).format('DD-MMM-YYYY'); const stockDate = moment(this.resetStockForm.get('stockDate').value).format('DD-MMM-YYYY'); const quantity = +this.resetStockForm.get('quantity').value; const dialogRef =, { width: '250px', data: { title: 'Reset the stock of?', content: `Are you sure you want to reset the stock of ${}? This action is destructive and cannot be undone.`, }, }); dialogRef.afterClosed().subscribe((result: boolean) => { if (result) { this.resetStock(resetDate, stockDate, this.product, quantity); } }); } resetStock(resetDate: string, stockDate: string, product: Product, quantity: number) { this.ser.resetStock(resetDate, stockDate, product, quantity).subscribe( () => {'Success', 'Stock has been reset!'); }, (error) => {'Danger', error); }, ); } checkIntegrity() { this.ser.checkDatabaseIntegrity().subscribe( (result) => { this.lockInformation = result;'Success', 'Database checked, it is fine!'); }, (error) => {'Danger', error); }, ); } toggleMaintenance() { this.ser.setMaintenance(!this.maintenance.enabled).subscribe((x) => { this.maintenance = x; }); } }