#!/usr/bin/env bash set -euo pipefail parent_path=$( cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" || exit ; pwd -P ) cd "$parent_path" || exit ./lint.sh if [ 1 -eq "$#" ] then ./version_bump.sh "$1" else ./version_bump.sh fi # Download the package.json for caching curl --silent 'https://git.tanshu.com/tanshu/brewman/raw/tag/latest/overlord/package.json' \ | sed 's/\"version\": \"[0-9\.]*\"/"version": "0.0.0"/g' \ > "$parent_path/docker/app/package.json" # Download the package.json for caching curl --silent 'https://git.tanshu.com/tanshu/brewman/raw/tag/latest/brewman/pyproject.toml' \ | sed 's/version = \"[0-9\.]*\"/version = "0.0.0"/g' \ > "$parent_path/docker/app/pyproject.toml" cd "$parent_path/docker/app" || exit docker build --tag brewman:latest . if [ 1 -eq "$#" ] then docker tag brewman:latest "$1" else echo "No version bump" fi cd "$parent_path/docker" || exit docker save brewman:latest | bzip2 | pv | ssh beacon 'bunzip2 | sudo docker load' ansible-playbook --inventory hosts playbook.yml