+ ng-model="resetDate" placeholder="Reset date"/>
diff --git a/brewman/brewman/views/Management/stock.py b/brewman/brewman/views/Management/stock.py
index c5c342af..27475e7e 100644
--- a/brewman/brewman/views/Management/stock.py
+++ b/brewman/brewman/views/Management/stock.py
@@ -3,79 +3,92 @@ from decimal import Decimal
import uuid
from pyramid.security import authenticated_userid
from pyramid.view import view_config
-from sqlalchemy import func, and_
-from sqlalchemy.orm import aliased, joinedload
+from sqlalchemy import func
import transaction
from brewman.models import DBSession
-from brewman.models.master import LedgerBase, CostCenter, Product, Ledger
-from brewman.models.validation_exception import TryCatchFunction
-from brewman.models.voucher import Journal, Voucher, VoucherType, Batch, Inventory, SalaryDeduction, Fingerprint, Attendance
+from brewman.models.master import LedgerBase, CostCenter, Product
+from brewman.models.validation_exception import TryCatchFunction, ValidationError
+from brewman.models.voucher import Journal, Voucher, VoucherType, Batch, Inventory
__author__ = 'tanshu'
-@view_config(request_method='POST', route_name='api_reset_stock', renderer='json', permission='Authenticated')
-#@view_config(request_method='POST', route_name='api_reset_stock', renderer='json', permission='Reset Stock')
+@view_config(request_method='POST', route_name='api_reset_stock', renderer='json', permission='Reset Stock')
def rebase(request):
+ user_id = uuid.UUID(authenticated_userid(request))
product = Product.by_id(uuid.UUID(request.matchdict['id']))
quantity = round(Decimal(request.GET['Quantity']), 2)
stock_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(request.GET['StockDate'], '%d-%b-%Y')
reset_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(request.GET['ResetDate'], '%d-%b-%Y')
+ if reset_date > stock_date:
+ raise ValidationError('Reset cannot be after the stock date')
change = quantity - get_closing_stock(product, stock_date)
- report = build_report(product, reset_date)
+ if change == 0:
+ return {'No Change Needed'}
+ final = get_closing_stock(product)
+ if final + change < 0:
+ raise ValidationError('Current Quantity will get negative. Cannot proceed')
+ batch = get_last_batch(product)
+ set_batches(batch, final + change)
+ create_voucher(batch, change, reset_date, user_id)
return {}
-def build_report(product, start_date):
- query = DBSession.query(Voucher, Batch, Journal).options(
- joinedload(Voucher.journals, innerjoin=True),
- joinedload(Voucher.inventories, innerjoin=True),
- joinedload(Inventory.batch, innerjoin=True)) \
- .filter(Voucher.id == Inventory.voucher_id) \
- .filter(Voucher.id == Journal.voucher_id) \
- .filter(Inventory.product_id == product.id) \
- .filter(Journal.cost_center_id == CostCenter.cost_center_purchase()) \
- .filter(Voucher.date >= start_date).order_by(Voucher.date.desc()).all()
- for voucher, inventory, batch, journal in query:
- pass
- #journalDebit = journal.debit * -1
- #name = journal.costcenter.name if voucher.type == VoucherType.by_name(
- # 'Issue').id else journal.ledger.name
- #debitQ = "{0:.2f}".format(inventory.quantity) if journalDebit == 1 else ""
- #debitA = "\u20B9 {0:.2f}".format(inventory.amount) if journalDebit == 1 else ""
- #creditQ = "{0:.2f}".format(inventory.quantity) if journalDebit != 1 else ""
- #creditA = "\u20B9 {0:.2f}".format(inventory.amount) if journalDebit != 1 else ""
- #
- #runningTotalQ += (inventory.quantity * journalDebit)
- #runningTotalA += (inventory.amount * journalDebit)
- #
- #if journalDebit == 1:
- # totalDebitQ += inventory.quantity
- # totalDebitA += inventory.amount
- #else:
- # totalCreditQ += inventory.quantity
- # totalCreditA += inventory.amount
- #
- #info['Body'].append(
- # {'Date': row.Voucher.date.strftime('%d-%b-%Y'), 'Name': name, 'Url': get_edit_url(request, row.Voucher),
- # 'Type': VoucherType.by_id(row.Voucher.type).name, 'Narration': row.Voucher.narration, 'DebitQ': debitQ,
- # 'DebitA': debitA,
- # 'CreditQ': creditQ, 'CreditA': creditA, 'RunningQ': "{0:.2f}".format(runningTotalQ),
- # 'RunningA': "\u20B9 {0:.2f}".format(runningTotalA)})
-def get_closing_stock(product, finish_date):
+def get_closing_stock(product, finish_date=None):
query = DBSession.query(func.sum(Inventory.quantity * Journal.debit)) \
.join(Voucher) \
.filter(Voucher.id == Inventory.voucher_id) \
.filter(Voucher.id == Journal.voucher_id) \
.filter(Inventory.product_id == product.id) \
- .filter(Journal.cost_center_id == CostCenter.cost_center_purchase()) \
- .filter(Voucher.date <= finish_date) \
- .one()
+ .filter(Journal.cost_center_id == CostCenter.cost_center_purchase())
+ if finish_date is not None:
+ query = query.filter(Voucher.date <= finish_date)
+ query = query.one()
return 0 if query is None else query[0]
+def get_last_batch(product):
+ batch = DBSession.query(Batch).filter(Batch.product_id == product.id).order_by(Batch.name.desc()).first()
+ if batch is None:
+ raise ValidationError('Details for the product exist. Just add a purchase entry')
+ return batch
+def set_batches(batch, quantity):
+ batch.quantity_remaining = quantity
+ batches = DBSession.query(Batch).filter(Batch.id != batch.id).filter(Batch.product_id == batch.product_id)
+ for item in batches:
+ item.quantity_remaining = 0
+ pass
+def create_voucher(batch, quantity, date, user_id):
+ voucher = Voucher(date=date, narration='Product Reset', user_id=user_id, type=VoucherType.by_name('Issue'))
+ DBSession.add(voucher)
+ if quantity > 0:
+ source = CostCenter.cost_center_overall()
+ destination = CostCenter.cost_center_purchase()
+ else:
+ destination = CostCenter.cost_center_overall()
+ source = CostCenter.cost_center_purchase()
+ inventory = Inventory(product_id=batch.product.id, quantity=abs(quantity), rate=batch.rate, tax=batch.tax,
+ discount=batch.discount, batch=batch)
+ voucher.inventories.append(inventory)
+ DBSession.add(inventory)
+ amount = round(inventory.amount, 2)
+ source = Journal(debit=-1, ledger_id=LedgerBase.all_purchases(), amount=amount, cost_center_id=source)
+ voucher.journals.append(source)
+ DBSession.add(source)
+ destination = Journal(debit=1, ledger_id=LedgerBase.all_purchases(), amount=amount, cost_center_id=destination)
+ voucher.journals.append(destination)
+ DBSession.add(destination)