import uuid from datetime import datetime from typing import Optional from fastapi import APIRouter, HTTPException, status, Depends, Security from sqlalchemy import func from sqlalchemy.exc import SQLAlchemyError from sqlalchemy.orm import Session from ...printing import print_kot, print_bill from ...schemas.auth import UserToken import barker.schemas.voucher as schemas from import get_current_active_user as get_user from ...db.session import SessionLocal from ...models import Voucher, VoucherType, Kot, Product, Inventory, InventoryModifier from ...routers.voucher import ( get_tax, do_update_settlements, get_bill_id, do_update_table, check_permissions, get_guest_book, ) router = APIRouter() # Dependency def get_db(): try: db = SessionLocal() yield db finally: db.close() @router.put("/update/{id_}") def update( id_: uuid.UUID, data: schemas.VoucherIn, u: bool, # Update table? p: str, # Print type g: Optional[uuid.UUID] = None, # Guest book id db: Session = Depends(get_db), user: UserToken = Security(get_user), ): try: now = update_table = u voucher_type = VoucherType[p] guest_book = get_guest_book(g, db) need_to_print_kot = False item: Voucher = db.query(Voucher).filter( == id_).first() check_permissions(item, voucher_type, user.permissions) if guest_book is not None: item.pax = guest_book.pax item.food_table_id = data.table.id_ if data.customer is not None: item.customer_id = data.customer.id_ if item.voucher_type != VoucherType.KOT: raise HTTPException( status_code=status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, detail="Internal error, reprints should not reach here", ) if item.voucher_type == VoucherType.KOT and voucher_type != VoucherType.KOT: = now item.bill_id = get_bill_id(voucher_type, db) item.voucher_type = voucher_type item.user_id = user.id_ item.last_edit_date = now for k in item.kots: for i in k.inventories: i.tax_rate = get_tax(i.tax_rate, voucher_type) = next( round(, 5) for ko in data.kots for inv in ko.inventories if inv.id_ == ) for k in (k for k in data.kots if k.id_ is None and len(k.inventories) > 0): need_to_print_kot = True code = db.query(func.coalesce(func.max(Kot.code), 0) + 1).scalar() kot = Kot(, code, item.food_table_id, now, item.user_id) item.kots.append(kot) db.add(kot) for index, i in enumerate(k.inventories): product = db.query(Product).filter( == i.product.id_).first() tax_rate = get_tax(, voucher_type) inv = Inventory(,, round(i.quantity, 2), product.price, round(, 5), i.is_happy_hour, product.sale_category.tax_id, tax_rate, index, ) kot.inventories.append(inv) db.add(inv) for m in i.modifiers: mod = InventoryModifier(None, m.id_, 0) inv.modifiers.append(mod) db.add(mod) do_update_settlements(item, [], db) if update_table: do_update_table(item, guest_book, db) db.commit() if need_to_print_kot: print_kot(, db) if item.voucher_type != VoucherType.KOT: print_bill(, db) except SQLAlchemyError as e: db.rollback() raise HTTPException( status_code=status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, detail=str(e), ) except Exception: db.rollback() raise