# MMM-RandomPhoto This a module for the [MagicMirror](https://github.com/MichMich/MagicMirror). It will show a random photo from an url. ## Installation 1. Navigate into your MagicMirror's `modules` folder and execute `git clone https://github.com/diego-vieira/MMM-RandomPhoto.git`. 2. cd `cd MMM-RandomPhoto` 3. Execute `npm install` to install the node dependencies. ## Config The entry in `config.js` can include the following options: |Option|Description| |---|---| |`opacity`|The opacity of the image.

**Type:** `double`
Default 0.3| |`animationSpeed`|How long the fade out and fade in of photos should take.

**Type:** `int`
Default 500| |`updateInterval`|How long before getting a new image.

**Type:** `int`
Default 60 seconds| |`url`|URL to pull a new image from.

**Type:** `string`
Default https://unsplash.it/1920/1080/?random| Here is an example of an entry in `config.js` ``` { module: 'MMM-RandomPhoto', position: 'fullscreen_below', config: { opacity: 0.3, animationSpeed: 500, updateInterval: 60, url: 'https://unsplash.it/1920/1080/?random' } }, ``` ## Dependencies - [jquery](https://www.npmjs.com/package/jquery) (installed via `npm install`) ## Special Thanks - [Michael Teeuw](https://github.com/MichMich) for creating the awesome [MagicMirror2](https://github.com/MichMich/MagicMirror) project that made this module possible.